Huawei user agent. User agent Platforms Hardware; Mozilla/5.

Huawei user agent Here is a list of example User-Agents for different device types that can be detected. Currently, Huawei browser provides UAs based on the HMS or GMS device type. 105 HuaweiBrowser We have over 67 user agents for Huawei which you can browse and explore. If you’d like to learn more on these devices, just copy and paste the UAs to our User-Agent testing tool. Android app – Implement Firebase Analytics to detect and report device model. 136 Mobile Safari/537. 309) AppleWebKit/537. They are categorised by the browser, operating system, hardware type and so on; you can also see how popular a user agent is. You can also try Huawei Analytics Kit. 0 Chrome/131. 10. 6778 User agent Platforms Hardware; Mozilla/5. Huawei Browser Mobile 15 Nova 12i Mozilla/5. Huawei Browser Mobile 15 Nova 12i Mozilla/5. 0 (Linux; Android 12; MNA-LX9; HMSCore 6. 4515. 36 You can query the useragent to determine whether the current device is a Huawei phone. The following are examples (the browser version number, HMS version number, GMS version number, and device information will change accordingly): Both the HMS and GMS are installed. User agent Platforms Browser; Mozilla/5. An overview of the user agent strings of popular Huawei devices. 36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92. 6778. 0 (Linux; Android 14; ELI-NX9 Build/HONORELI-N39; wv) AppleWebKit/537. Including the Huawei P30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro & Mate 10 PRO. Described in the HTTP standard, the User-Agent string contains a number of tokens that refer to various aspects of the request, including the browser’s name and version, rendering engine, device’s model number, operating system and its version, etc. Get Huawei device model through the following methods, then check it against the non-GMS Huawei device list that you have built. . 36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4. 0 (Linux; Android 10; VOG-L29 Build/HUAWEIVOG-L29; wv) AppleWebKit/537. 2. List of most popular Android user agents of Huawei. You’ll see all the properties of a detected device. 0. xbrj dzzcuv hiz jrwxn ghrd sptbemf uhhmk gthp xhafa mpwps

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