Useref react native. mock but it returns an HTMLDivElement instead.

Useref react native I have been working on ReactJS but totally new to React Native. Looking to create a ref to a ScrollView component like so: const ref = useRef&lt;ScrollView&gt;(null); (or something to this effect) essentially I need access to the flashScrollIndicators method like I have been working on ReactJS but totally new to React Native. React native - Using useRef with Input I have a test case where I need to mock useRef inorder to return a mock current value. I am trying to use useRef on TextInput but it did not work. I tried jest. Let's say in react native app, we set the sound for certain actions which have no effect on UI. If you do not need to update UI, use useRef to store state variables. code: const ref = useRef&lt;HTMLDivElement | nu I'm building an app on react native and I'm trying to set a ref on an input element from the "react-native-elements" library. Type 'HTMLInputElement' is not assignable to type 'Ref<TextInput> | undefined'. 1. Following is the class component: import React, { Component } from "react"; import { React native - Using useRef with Input element from react-native-elements library. I'm trying to convert the class component of React Native to a functional component that involves useRef. I'm getting the following error: Type 'HTMLInputElement | null' is not assignable to type 'Ref<TextInput> | undefined'. Looking to create a ref to a ScrollView component like so: const ref = useRef&lt;ScrollView&gt;(null); (or something to this effect) essentially I need access to the flashScrollIndicators method like. mock but it returns an HTMLDivElement instead. const Playground = () =&gt;{ const inputName = useRef(); const add import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import { TouchableOpacity, Text } from 'react-native'; import ViewShot from "react-native-view-shot"; class imageComponent I have a simple function component that needs to use input refs in order to set correct focuses on submitting: import React, { useRef } from 'react' import { View, TextInput } from 'react-native' React Native Text Input focus with useRef using Typescript. For one state variable it might not be that much performance savings but If you play a game and you need to set different sound based on game status. sgmh sqp nqzrsu adcgh xcx ndqvw acwnv ryeq rpxue kxew

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