Early pregnancy symptoms reddit. Welcome to r/pregnant!This is a space for everyone.

(D&C confirmed it was an early miscarriage) Reply reply. Jun 3, 2024 · Sore breasts at 10 DPO. TryTryAgain83. This time the beer tasted amazing- more so than usual. And as your breast tissue reacts to these changes, you may begin to feel heavy, tender, or swollen. Besides that, I've just been dealing with it. • 4 yr. Comes and goes. What Are Some Unknown/Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptons You Had? Question. Why are PMS symptoms so similar to early pregnancy symptoms?! So unfair!! Rant/Vent. 2. Yeap it's normal - symptoms come and go all the time. #1 was born at 38 weeks, #2 was born at 39w6d. So actually a lot of the symptoms that we get told start in the third trimester can actually trigger at any point in pregnancy and are just typically more common and more noticeable/worse in the third trimester. In any case, I started noticing extreme fatigue along with aversions to almost all food, including things I love and was looking forward to eating. • 8 yr. The public and hip pain started earlier in the pregnancy, the amounts of morning sickness/swelling etc were all pretty much the same. Abortions don't directly cause infertility when performed correctly. Welcome to r/pregnant!This is a space for everyone. I found out at 6 weeks and morning sickness started at 7 weeks. This month we tried again and I’ve had the same symptoms at exactly the same time. Low blood sugar is common in pregnancy. And get some pedialyte or coconut water to replenish electrolytes. What are some early pregnancy symptoms you had that are never or Literally a very easy pregnancy for me. I've heard of lots of people with successful pregnancies and no symptoms. I’m curious to know how early pregnancy went for those who were breastfeeding. Minor cramps are very normal. raitch. Instaplot. As blood flow increases during pregnancy, blood pressure can also decrease and lead to dizzy spells. Completely disappeared around 10ish weeks after being very prominent; nausea, breast tenderness, food aversion every day. Not long after maybe in about a 7-10 days, all my symptoms came back and actually started evolving or getting worse in some areas. Your nipples may also change in size and colour as well as sensitivity. Being in my 2nd trimester and still having no appetite, losing weight, and still vomiting. These discomforts and cramps, when accompanied by vaginal bleeding, can easily deceive pregnant women, making them think they have menstruated. Found out at 5 weeks along. I think it’s normal for temperatures to fluctuate in early pregnancy. Also worth mentioning that first trimester symptoms often disappear somewhere between 9-12 weeks, that she might have a "bump" in T1 that then completely disappears as it's actually bloat before a real bump grows, and never actually being sick is normal. Hope this helps. Lots of heartburn and nausea around 6 weeks. Gas-x (regular strength) was on my safe list I believe, if you have a doctor already I'd call just to make sure. You might have them for a day, or every day until you give birth! Reply reply. I just had sex last Sunday (3rd), Monday I had a tonne of unusual This morning I had a bloody nose (I had one every single day of my last pregnancy, starting probably midway through 1st tri). • 11 yr. So, I have epilepsy and have focal seizures regularly, at least a few times a week. The only way to tell them apart is to test. Jan 25, 2016 · Immediately after this episode my usual pregnancy symptoms disappeared I was really worried like you! Before this happened, I had breast pain, extreme hunger pangs, light headedness, nausea etc. Negative pregnancy test (duh, I was dumb, but it says Christmas day so I figured I'd try). Now its gas, bloating, mild back pain, and super tired. 8dpo & 9dpo - coffee aversion, sore boobs, felt super hot at night (despite our room usually being freezing) 10dpo - coffee aversion, sore boobs, very faint positive Wondfo pregnancy test. At 8w2d now, nausea is finally tapering as I’ve started unisom+B6 which has been a lifesaver. My sister in law swore she was having twins because the stick had super super dark lines really early on and she did end up being pregnant with twins. I had more or less the same symptoms. it went away eventually! Sorry to say but I haven’t had constipation at all, but I have had diarrhea fairly often throughout pregnancy. • 2 yr. My doctor said that's completely normal for anyone. Sure enough, pregnant. Like. Strange pregnancy symptoms no one prepared me for: Discussion. Luckily I haven’t had much nausea with either of my pregnancies. I think it's honestly just a crapshoot with symptoms. As hard as it is (and everyone in this subreddit can attest to how hard it is!) you should try to distract yourself from symptom-spotting. Also had sore breasts, cramping, and early on spotting (however these symptoms have been gone for some time). I've read that some cramping is normal, and I haven't been overly concerned since there's no bleeding and it's not a sharp/stabby pain, just feels like real bad period cramps. I’ve never had these same symptoms during my cycle (and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ADMIN MOD. From week 3 or 4, I had crazy acne, aches and pains, frequent urination, painful cramps and backache, bloating, headaches, sensitive to smells, and a dirt taste in my mouth. As long as you aren't seeing bright red blood that would fill up a pad, all good. Not too tired, no food aversions, no issues sleeping, no nausea, nothing. I’m cold all the time at 11w, like I will wear layers and carry a blanket around with me all over the house. Which sucks. Aside from HG, I don’t think there are any pregnancy symptoms that can help you figure out which you’re having. Dec 31, 2015 · i. Pregnant with twins and my only symptom was a late period. I doubt you’ll feel much for a few more weeks. With our first, I only had 2 symptoms, missed period, but FEELING like I was on my period. Early pregnancy feels the same for me as starting my period. But with my first baby, I had morning sickness IMMEDIATELY, before I could even take a test, then it ramped up to…. You may or may not get any. I was having an abortion and the clinic had to do blood work to confirm the pregnancy. Had this really early on, and it’s since cleared up, only to be replaced by kinda watery eyes due to perpetual sneezing/stuffy nose! 2. Feb 15, 2024 · Similar to the smell aversions, some moms-to-be experience intense color aversions to the point of nausea. When my husband and I started trying for baby, I had 5 seizures in 2 days, even before I missed my period. I also have been enjoying constipation and nausea with this one too. Mild early pregnancy symptoms (bloating, nausea, sensitive boobs) and spotting while experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions (mostly confusion and sadness) trying to figure out what was going on: miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy or what. With my first I was exhausted immediately (3-4 weeks) and my stomach was upset/ constipation big time. 16. talk2torinow. Ok-Maximum-2495. One boob is mildly sore every now and again, but other than that literally zero symptoms. I got my positive at 3 +3, so early, and I tested because I was so incredibly miserable with fatigue, nausea, headache and just overall crap feeling. Sorry everyone I just had to vent, I know the answer is progesterone. Voerendaalse. Today and for the last 4 or 5 days I’ve felt completely normal. In the second half of your cycle progesterone rises in anticipation of pregnancy. Muscle cramps from dehydration are fairly common throughout pregnancy—drink lots of water!—and the lovely gastrointestinal symptoms that accompany the first trimester, like constipation and gas, can cause abdominal cramping that might be confused with Reply. Disclosure, I do have stress, but none of these symptoms have been present before in this context. It feels like I have the flu - stuffy/runny nose, whole body fatigue, exhaustion, stomach aches and nausea, headache, and while no fever, I NEVER have a fever, so We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I had an ultrasound at 4 weeks and a couple days and nothing could be seen at that point. FTM 8 weeks and I’m the same way. 15. It was 6 weeks to the day when vomiting kicked in, but had mostly tapered off around 11 - 12 weeks (I still had it throughout my pregnancy, but sometimes, symptoms would be spread 2 - 3 months apart). Nasal congestion. Early pregnancy symptoms? Currently 6 days past ovulation and I know I shouldn’t be overanalyzing any symptoms, but my skin has cleared up over the past few days, moreso than it has been in years! And I stopped using tretinoin just in case of the warned birth defects. Early pregnancy I broke out horribly too. Usually, dizziness is more of a second trimester symptom, but some women may notice it very early on, too. Award. thevioletb. The only real difference is that I was nauseous often, whereas I don't get nausea with my PMS. There are lots of things that cause pain in early pregnancy but that is the dangerous one and shouldn’t be ignored as a possibility. I have had very vivid dreams though so yes that is a weird symptom I wasn’t prepared for! Haven’t had hiccuping, but acid reflux yes. 1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Changes to the breast can occur as early as 1 DPO during pregnancy. Try to stay hydrated it will help with the dryness. Horrible gas. Possibly pregnancy rhinitis, but more likely a cold. I got a positive test on my last pregnancy at 9DPO, my symptoms with my last pregnancy 9DPO were menstrual like cramps, tingling nipples, hot flashes and feeling emotional. Yes. I'm very early in my pregnancy (almost 7 weeks) and the cramping is real over here. This is my first time to get up the guts to post to you lovely ladies, so if this has already been asked I apologize. -Tired every afternoon- nap. I also got several tiny pimples on my temples, which was unusual for me. I keep waiting for my temps to swing the other way, maybe in the 2nd tri I’m hoping. Your immune system weakens during pregnancy. Organic-Ad-4855. It only took us about 1 month to concieve, though we were 18. And it’s also very good for you. I was. indieginny. All that to say I think it can go either way. I’d treat it like a contagious illness, but if you need relief there’s not much you can take in the 1st trimester. I had to trade my running routine for walking, which was a bummer. 41. If you feel dizzy upon standard or when walking about, make sure to rest and eat a snack. I know it's way too early to tell. I get some symptoms, but all very minor for 14 weeks. The nausea and sickness came soon after, and fatigue turned into exhaustion. 5 weeks pregnant - Super super super tired, annoyed, irritable, cranky, bitchy, still bloated, boobs still the size of small planets First week I found out (3 weeks and a few days) I had heartburn, headaches, hangover feeling. You might also feel cramps in other parts of your body. -Small amounts of stringy ewcm during tww. Aug 12, 2015 · Early symptoms that I noticed were frequent gas, what seemed like a smaller bladder, cold all the time, and odd stomach pains that were similar to cramps-but over a week before AF was due. I honestly didn’t feel anything at 4 weeks besides bloat and losing my breath really quickly. There are many “standard” early pregnancy symptoms that begin as early as 1 week before to after a missed period, ie: nausea, enlarged breasts, sensitive nipples, constipation, metallic taste, etc. I had mild heartburn and some sensitivity to smell since yesterday, and of course, I google it, and low and behold its common before your period of I had a chemical pregnancy last month which was obviously gutting. 5-6 weeks is when I started developing symptoms, mostly terrible constipation and fatigue. Dizziness. First pregnancy: I love beer and one day I just didn't like the taste of beer. Reply. Second pregnancy: I had a beer flight two days before my BFP (I had taken one two days before that was negative but I guess it was just too early). So much easier (and faster). It's just such a cruel joke from nature. Hair and nails: Skin begins forming between weeks 5 and 8, with hair follicles and nail beds forming around week 11. 5/4 weeks pregnant (approx) - Super bloated, breasts swelled up, slight tenderness, also experienced a LOT of period-like cramps, assumed AF was coming any day and the cramps just continued and AF never came. My stick was really faint. 5. Jan 26, 2024 · Muscle & Other Body Cramps. As hormone levels rise, blood flow and fluid retention do as well. None of these are enough to be debilitating in any way (more like minor nuisance), but I'm surprised at how early these symptoms are. The stress will just make it worse. Jan 1, 2016 at 6:57 AM. ziptasia. but no other physical symptoms. Definitely normal. Tests are either positive or negative. Imodium is safe to take in moderation. They said it was normal and my next appointment was days away so I waited nervously until then. Log In / Sign Up We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ugh i had the runs forever. Worst though is that relaxin hormone going crazy and wreaking having on my hips and groin. That’s pretty early to be able see anything on an ultrasound. ago. Baby’s bones: By about week 6, baby starts to sprout arms, legs, hands and feet — and fingers and toes around week 10. I find it really frustrating. Sensitive teeth (which were already fairly sensitive) Vivid nightmares. Wait until your period arrives and, if you're late, take a pregnancy test. I’m 7w3d, FTM and today I’ve been having weird pain in my lower left stomach, right above and to the left of my pubic bone. Yes, they will come and go on and off throughout your pregnancy. Was clear skin an early pregnancy symptom for anyone lucky enough to What were some “weird” early pregnancy symptoms you had? Curious about some early symptoms you had that may have seemed “odd” I had a runny nose for two days and then turned really stuffy, I had no idea that could be a symptom! Intermittent cramping, I was positive my period was starting but after 2 day of on and off cramping, period We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All disappeared very suddenly. #2: Early pregnancy symptoms typically are the same as PMS symptoms because the hormonal changes are quite similar. Since conception doesn't usually occur until two weeks from the start date of your last period, you still aren't pregnant during week two, but your body is getting Yes with both non-viable pregnancies I had symptoms- mainly sore boobs, peeing a lot and extreme thirst. •. I was just wondering if any of…. ssswiftie. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. 40. Obviously its anecdotal, but it is possible! I didn't get a positive test until about a week after my period was due, the first two negative ones were a few days after I missed my period. Jun 13, 2012 · My first sign of pregnancy is usually emptying out the fridge, between when i conceive and til about 5 weeks, all i do is eat, like everything looks good and i need to eat it. Funny thing is, happened same way with pregnancy #2. The most common symptoms to follow were nausea and vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination, and breast tenderness and Oct 25, 2023 · Early pregnancy can cause not only light bleeding but also some discomfort in the lower abdomen or a feeling of abdominal bloating, much like premenstrual symptoms. Anyone else experience VERY early symptoms of pregnancy? With my first, I had sex on the Friday, on the Sunday had a tonne of unusual discharge, the following Saturday had really sore boobs, then the following Thursday (13 days after sex) had a very strong positive test. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of fatigue this time around since I had to chase a toddler around! 1. Apr 10, 2020 · This one is hard to explain without seeing my chart but my chart looked just like it did when I was pregnant three years ago which prompted me to test. next step for me is dizzyness and then back ache and sore and tender nipples! then i only start getting tired, feel l ike i have flu and just need to stay in bed, this will be my 3rd baby if all works out, but have had 5 . The first month, I did have some brown discharge around 3 1/2 weeks (I found out about my pregnancy earlyhe implanted fast). 9 days po is pretty early. Your body has literally no clue whether it’s pregnant or not until that little egg implants somewhere around 8-10dpo and starts cranking out the hcg hormone. 3. Pregnancy Symptoms Week 2. I started to get painful breasts, bloating, headaches around 8 DPO and my first positive from 9 DPO, getting darker from there onwards. Fresh-Lack5063. Expand user menu Open settings menu. The saying goes “if you are pregnant enough for pregnancy symptoms then you are pregnant enough for a positive pregnancy test. • 1 yr. For me I have the exact same symptoms until I miss my period. Aug 18, 2023 · Here are a few of the big highlights happening in this exciting time. 4 seizures in 2 days. mhmcg17. Pregnancy and period symptoms are the same because they are both caused by progesterone. patientish. Lost both pregnancies at 6 weeks and both felt similar to me. I’m 6+5 and dying over here lol. It’s intermittent, but a…. 4. With my current my boobs got bigger and were abnormally sore the week before my period was due. I was worried, called my doc, asked to come in. 19. My husband jokingly said maybe I was pregnant. Tums may work, that's a bit more gentle. Labor #1 was 36 hours. Sore boobs, boating, cramping pain, though not as bad but I do get round ligament pain as one of my first symptoms, moody, etc. ” After ovulation progesterone rises and causes all sorts of symptoms that at the same as early pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, cramps, etc. It's pretty normal. -Easily Crying at commercial, tv shows, songs. teacher_geek. @kayray1016, My first sign was lower back and hip discomfort, followed shortly by extremely sensitive boobs (my husband is hating this phase), then tiredness. This was mostly accompanied by nausea but occasionally vomiting as well. On my face but also my shoulders and upper back which I have never had acne before there. I didn’t get morning sickness or major hallmark signs. I called my doctor and he told me to take a pregnancy test. #3: Brown discharge is also normal. I had very low level cramping for a couple weeks first trimester. 50 percent had some pregnancy symptoms by 5 weeks pregnant; 70 percent had pregnancy symptoms by 6 weeks pregnant; 90 percent had pregnancy symptoms by 8 weeks pregnant; The first sign of pregnancy was usually a missed period. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. ohheylo. Had my first appt and ultrasound at 7 weeks and all was well. The heartburn can be caused by organ squishing or by hormones causing an upset stomach/reflux. Enjoy the good days and rest when you need to. -Tummy troubles on 6 dpo and 7 dpo. I think we all want symptoms in the two week wait but there really arent any. Hi everyone! Third pregnancy, no LC, last two losses were early and I think my hcg has officially surpassed the highest it’s been as of Monday. He’s back up to nursing 3-4x/day, sometimes for 45 minutes. They did follow up bloodwork to ensure that the termination was a success. You can also get headaches if you’re dehydrated as a result of nausea. I'd just wait until it's closer to when your period should show up to test. It wasn't markedly different for me. Waterfalls of diarrhea (not too many, luckily) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The morning sickness/nausea didn't fully kick in till around 6 weeks. cw gb ok kj pu ov jy am jb hf