26 / 100. A 2016 law allows children below the age of 14 to engage in “home-based work,” as well as other occupations between the ages of 14 and 18. Rival criminal groups have fought for control of the lucrative drug trade in recent years. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. 50 / 100. Kosovo activists protest mps blocking assisted fertilization law. Idris, who is accused of stealing more than $190 million, was granted bail in July, but court proceedings remained underway as of year’s end. Labor laws intended to protect employees’ rights exist, but are frequently violated in practice. 4. In March 2023, the NI-controlled legislature repealed a ban on modifying the electoral system within a year of the next election. A transition deadline of March 2024 was formalized in June 2022 as part of an agreement reached by ECOWAS and Malian authorities. Organized criminal gangs are involved in human trafficking in Mexico and into the United States. Although Germany has generally 4. The hallmark of our analysis is the annual Freedom on the Net report. 2. Feb 29, 2024 · Global Freedom. HRW found that Saudi guards used guns and explosive weapons against civilians, including women and children, at close range. Over a million others sought refuge outside of the country during the same period. of territories. About 628,000 of the total were forced to flee the more acute fighting between the military and ethnic armies in the north beginning in October. Although the Philippines transitioned from authoritarian rule in 1986, the rule of law and application of justice are haphazard and heavily favor political and economic elites. Bolivia is a source country for the trafficking of men, women, and children for forced labor and prostitution, and the country faced international criticism over permissive legislation regarding child labor in 2018, when the country changed the minimum working age to 14. The regime prohibits genuine political opposition and harshly suppresses freedoms of speech and assembly. 79/100. 61 / 100. Kenya has one of Africa’s more vibrant media landscapes, with journalists actively working to expose government corruption and wrongdoing. However, violent crime, which has markedly increased in recent years, has had a profound impact on the functioning of government and daily life 34. Kosovo’s civil society was also divided internally by the European Union (EU) Commission’s decision to permit visa-free travel for documents issued by the Serbian coordination centers in Kosovo. Following the October 2023 terrorist attack, access to areas near the borders with Gaza and Lebanon was restricted by the military, and about 200,000 Israelis were evacuated and displaced from the two zones. In May, the state of Puntland held district council elections that featured direct suffrage, marking Somalia’s first statewide application of a one-person, one-vote system in several decades. A section of the armed forces, the Special Forces However, the UK has recorded a sustained rise in hate crimes against LGBT+ residents over the past decade. While Italy has implemented measures to address human trafficking and labor exploitation, both issues continue to be significant concerns, particularly concerning asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants from Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan countries. While there have been changes in recent years to solitary confinement laws, an advisory panel report released in May 2021 found that the length of solitary confinement and the frequency of its use had not substantially changed. Internet Freedom. Feb 29, 2024 · New Freedom House Report Reveals Dire Conditions for Human Rights Defenders and Democracy Activists in Latin America. 0034. 67 / 100. Political rights and civil liberties are largely assured in law and practice. A major opposition alliance, the National Council of Democratic Forces, boycotted the elections. 6 million. Freedom House will keep an especially close eye on countries where digital interference could profoundly shape electoral outcomes—and where incumbents have already worked to tilt the playing field in their favor. Some restrictions on the press and civil society were eased after President João Lourenço took office in 2017, but that partial opening Position Summary. This cutting-edge project consists of ground-breaking research and analysis, fact-based advocacy, and on-the-ground capacity building. Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people. Jane Harman (left), co-chair of the Freedom House Board of Trustees, hosted a discussion with Her Excellency Oksana Markarova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States. Authorities set working conditions and compensation standards, but enforcement is inconsistent. 68 100 Partly Free. 2024 Annual Awards. Afro-Mauritanians, the Haratin population, women, and LGBT+ people face discrimination. The North Korean government expelled King in September, releasing him into US custody after he was convicted of “illegally intruding” into the country. The United Kingdom—which includes the constituent countries of England, Scotland, and Wales along with the territory of Northern Ireland—is a stable democracy that regularly holds free elections and hosts a vibrant media sector. 004. 1 percent increase from 2021; 61. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has governed almost continuously since 1955, with stints in opposition from 1993 to 1994 and 2009 to 2012. After the ouster of a longtime autocrat in 2011, Tunisia held a series of free multiparty elections, and citizens enjoyed considerable political rights and civil liberties under a constitution promulgated in 2014. The United Kingdom (UK)—which includes the constituent countries of England, Scotland, and Wales along with the territory of Northern Ireland—is a stable democracy that regularly holds free elections and hosts a vibrant media sector. All members of the parliament serve five-year terms. Germany is a representative democracy with a vibrant political culture and civil society. Anthony Albanese, leader of the Labor Party, became prime minister after free and fair federal elections in May 2022. No opposition parties operate legally. At Freedom House’s Annual Awards in May 2024, Freedom House honored imprisoned Chinese prodemocracy activist Dr. Other Freedom House Senegal content can be found on the Senegal portal page. Significant challenges persist, including systemic corruption, discrimination and violence against In May 2022, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) arrested Nigeria’s accountant general, Ahmed Idris, on theft and money laundering charges. F4 0-4 pts. Indonesia has made impressive democratic gains since the fall of an authoritarian regime in 1998, enjoying significant political and media pluralism and undergoing multiple, peaceful transfers of power. The agreement was followed by the lifting of the sanctions ECOWAS had placed on Mali that January in response to delays in the planned transition to civilian government. Press freedom and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are The ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) won 70 parliamentary seats, while independents won 41 and the remainder went to smaller parties; contests for 4 seats were not immediately decided. However, the military exerts enormous influence over government formation and policies, intimidates the media, and enjoys impunity for indiscriminate or extralegal use of force. Guatemala is home to a vigorous labor movement, but workers are frequently denied the right to organize and face mass firings and blacklisting. Australia is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy. His Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) has maintained power by rigging elections, using state resources for political patronage, and limiting the activities of opposition parties. The report finds that Latin American human rights defenders and their organizations face intimidation, harassment, physical attacks, and legislation that criminalizes their work, among other threats. The leader of the popularly elected majority party or coalition is designated as prime minister, and serves as head of government. by Matt Hooper on May 23, 2024. Giving or receiving dowry is a criminal offense, but coercive requests still occur. According to the Economist, a total of 76 countries—accounting for more than four billion people, a majority of the world’s population—will hold some form of polling this year. In 2024, democracy supporters will confront a series of events that could prove decisive in the worldwide struggle against authoritarian rule. Elections occur regularly in Ecuador, and some key state institutions have displayed greater independence in recent years. The ATMIS began a planned withdrawal of troops from Somalia despite the ongoing conflict, with a full withdrawal expected by December 2024. 2 percent of respondents said they paid bribes to police officers. Guinea experienced a transition to civilian rule in 2010, following a 2008 military coup and decades of authoritarian governance. Article 18 of the constitution recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Church as a “national church” responsible for the preservation of Armenian national identity; 94 percent of the population identifies as Armenian Apostolic. C3 0-4 pts. Free. G2 0-4 pts. BAME residents face continued discrimination, including by the authorities. 32 / 100. EU–commissioned reports have estimated that around 30 percent of Kosovo’s economy is informal, which increases the risk of employee exploitation. The new Sovereignty Defense Office—a body that will be created by the sovereignty protection law enacted in December 2023—will have extensive, vaguely defined powers to investigate and report on any activity suspected of serving foreign interests and capable of violating or endangering “the sovereignty of Hungary. Three smaller parties and five independents won 8 seats. It features a ranked, country-by-country assessment of online freedom, a global Nations in Transit 2024 explained whether different kinds of Hybrid Regimes are democratizing or becoming more restrictive, and why. Mexico is a major source, transit, and destination country for trafficking in persons, including women and children, many of whom are subject to forced labor and sexual exploitation. Abramowitz addresses attendees at the Freedom House 2024 Annual Awards gala The Hon. Members of the 76-seat parliament, the State Great Hural, are elected for four-year terms. The FBSP also counted 1,437 femicides in 2022, a 6. The government and security forces regularly harass journalists, and such incidents are rarely investigated by police. In 2023, HRW reported that Saudi border guards killed hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers crossing Saudi Arabia’s border with Yemen between March 2022 and June 2023. Members of religious minority groups have reported some discrimination in the past. 29/100. C2 0-4 pts. Sarah Repucci. G41. Although political corruption remains a concern, high-ranking politicians and other powerful figures have been successfully prosecuted. Freedom at a Glance. Pakistan holds regular elections under a competitive multiparty system. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in United States. King was then taken into custody by North Korean security forces. Civil liberties, including press freedom and freedom of assembly, are In 2022, a Swedish diplomat working for the European Union (EU), Johan Floderus, was arrested in Tehran and accused of spying for Israel. Victims of violence in Brazil are predominantly young, Black, and poor: According to the July 2023 FBSP report, 76. The event will feature a presentation of key findings and a panel discussion with experts and leaders. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in Lebanon. The 2024 Larry Grantham Charity Golf Classic is Freedom House’s largest fundraising event supporting the organization’s residential and outpatient addiction recovery programs and ensuring that no one is turned away due to a lack of financial resources. 0024. Indonesian workers are trafficked domestically and abroad, including women in domestic service and men in the fishing industry. While the government generally enforces robust protections for political rights and civil The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), led by President Paul Kagame, has ruled the country since it ousted forces responsible for the 1994 genocide, ending the civil war that began in 1990. It captures the extent of freedom of expression and association, the rule of law, and personal autonomy. Women’s rights groups report that between 100 and 200 women are killed in domestic abuse incidents each year. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who first took power in a 2013 coup, has governed Egypt in an increasingly authoritarian manner. by Cathryn Grothe on February 29, 2024. However, endemic corruption, economic challenges, security threats, and unresolved problems related to gender equality and F World 202 MFreedom in the World 2024 Meth. Venezuela’s democratic institutions have been deteriorating since 1999, but conditions have grown sharply worse in recent years. The security environment in Liberia has improved dramatically since warfare ended in 2003 and there is freedom from war and insurgencies. 3. Individual freedoms—ranging from the right to vote to freedom of expression and equality before the law—can be affected by state or nonstate actors. Bangladesh has one of the world’s highest rates of child marriage. Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. Corruption, due process violations, and abuses by security forces remain common. Not Free. In July, US Army private Travis King illegally entered North Korea by crossing the DMZ at its border with South Korea. Since December 2020, sex without explicit consent has been criminalized. The ZPP recorded 384 human rights violations, including threats, assault, and property damage, in August 2023, up from 301 in July. Higher scores indicate more liberties. The lower house is composed of 150 seats, with members directly elected in individual constituencies. Ethnic division, corruption, a crackdown on dissent, and the abuse of civilians by security forces marked the subsequent decade. A UN Office on Drugs and Crime report, released in 2023 and citing 2021 survey data, noted that 53. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in Peru. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in Indonesia. Each of these elections is crucial to the citizens involved India. Angola has been ruled by the same party since independence, and authorities have systematically repressed political dissent. We speak out against threats to democracy and empower individuals to exercise their fundamental rights through a unique combination of analysis, advocacy, and direct support to frontline defenders of Feb 29, 2024 · Internet Freedom. In October 2023, a new wave of attacks in the province caused returnees to flee again, contradicting the claims by the state and that the situation had been stabilized. Security measures can sometimes present obstacles to freedom of movement. While Mauritania has experienced decades of military rule, recent presidential and parliamentary elections have been relatively credible. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in Kosovo. A variety of media outlets operate, but journalists risk arrest for reporting on sensitive topics and many self-censor. During 2023, Djibouti authorities launched a crackdown on irregular migrants. February 3, 2022. The trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation remains an ongoing concern. The Human Cost of Democratic Decline. onsINTRODUCTIONFreedom in the World is an annual global report on political rights and civil liberties, composed of numerical ratings and descriptive texts for each country and a select grou. The MPP won 62 seats while the DP won 11. In June, the government pushed through major reforms, which reduced the number of legislators from 84 to The #MeToo movement erupted in Taiwan in 2023, and three new and reformed laws passed after a string of high-profile reports of past sexual harassment and assault cases in politics and the entertainment industry. Labor laws obstruct union membership and impede strikes. We reviewed new books about three of these important countries: Ukraine, Hungary, and Armenia. Long-term violent insurgencies have continued for decades, though their threat to the state has diminished in recent years. 3 / 100. However, trafficking convictions remain rare, with only two recorded in the country since 2014. The November progress report proposed that the 27 EU member states authorize the EU Commission to begin negotiating the first chapters of accession with Albania in 2024, praising rule-of-law reforms and SPAK’s track record of holding high-ranking public officials accountable for corruption and abuses of power. Singapore authorities continue to impose the death penalty for crimes including murder and drug trafficking. El Salvador’s presidential, legislative, and municipal elections are scheduled for February and March 2024. Freedom in the World is Freedom House’s flagship analysis on political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories. Falun Gong practitioners across China are subject to widespread surveillance, arbitrary detention, imprisonment, and torture, and they are at a high risk of extrajudicial execution. The full Freedom in the World 2024 narrative report for Senegal will be posted as soon as it becomes available. At least 40 countries will be holding national-level elections in 2024. South Africa is a constitutional democracy. 8 percent. Djibouti is a major transit country for irregular migrants, with an estimated 200,000 people arriving in the country each year, many of whom then attempt to cross the Gulf of Aden to the Arabian Peninsula. The 100-member upper house, or Senate, includes 84 members who are elected by regional councils and 16 who are appointed by the president. Click on a country name below to access the full country narrative report. While reforms adopted since President Shavkat Mirziyoyev took office in 2016 have led to improvements on some issues, Uzbekistan remains an authoritarian state with few signs of democratization. A civil war began in 2013, when a rift between President Salva Kiir Mayardit and the vice president he dismissed, Riek Machar, triggered fighting among their supporters and divided the country along ethnic lines. The authorities have closed off virtually all channels for political dissent, restricting civil liberties and prosecuting In 1989, Denmark became the first country in the world to adopt same-sex civil unions, and in 2012, Parliament overwhelmingly passed same-sex marriage legislation enabling couples to wed in the Lutheran state church of their choosing. Political rights and civil liberties in Syria are severely compromised by one of the world’s most repressive regimes and by other belligerent forces in an ongoing civil war. However, citizens largely view the police force as corrupt and unprofessional. Partly Free. All members were elected to multimember constituencies in the June 2020 elections, with 48 elected via simple-majority voting and 28 via proportional representation. Freedom House Perspectives. Amy Slipowitz. However, reports of corruption among government officials often emerge, and in recent years, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has been accused of The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) counted over 740,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan in 2023, representing the second-highest number of refugees per capita in the world. 66 / 100. Global freedom statuses are calculated on a weighted scale. According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) annual report on Malawi for 2022, one in five girls and one in seven boys under the age of 18 have experienced sexual abuse. 7 in 2021 and 25. 1 million people were displaced during 2023, bringing the total number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Myanmar to 2. Feb 29, 2024 · “Global freedom took a big step backward in 2023,” said Michael J. The country’s illegal armed groups have been accused of enlisting children. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and The Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) reported widespread event disruption, harassment, and intimidation efforts targeting opposition groups and leaders in 2023. See the methodology. 30 / 100. Feb 29, 2024 · Freedom at a Glance. Femicides Algeria reported that 33 women were killed between January and November 2023, and denounced the judiciary’s failure to protect women. Political affairs in Algeria have long been dominated by a closed elite based in the military and the ruling party, the National Liberation Front (FLN). 64 / 100. 4 Bami, X. Traditional leaders have spoken out against, and in some cases forced the annulment of, underage marriages. F41. In the 2023 edition of its Trafficking in Persons Report, the US State Department noted that the Peruvian government was making efforts to address trafficking but that funding for antitrafficking programs and convictions were low. Feb 29, 2024 · Not Free. 00-4. The breadth and depth of the deterioration were extensive—political rights and civil liberties diminished in 52 countries and improved in only 21. Since the end of apartheid in 1994, it has been regarded globally as a proponent of human rights and a leader on the African continent. Turnout stood at 46. To protect the most vulnerable, governments within and outside the region should shore up democratic institutions. However, several laws restrict press freedom. Freedom House is seeking 3-4 motivated candidates for the nine-month Freedom in the World 2024-2025 Junior Fellowship program. While India is a multiparty democracy, the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has presided over discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim Police have been known to accept bribes, make arbitrary arrests, and hold people without charge for longer than the legally permitted limit of 48 hours. 1 percent of femicide victims were Black. In recent years, scholars have been somewhat more able to discuss sensitive issues involving the military. Freedom House independently verified 933 cases of Falun Gong adherents sentenced to prison terms of up to 12 years between January 1 Employers are favored in legal cases involving migrant workers, discouraging the latter from reporting denial of wages and contract obligations as well as physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. News Releases & Media Coverage. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy and freedom in Philippines. Consolidated Authoritarian Regime. Five executions were reported during 2023, including the July hanging of a woman convicted on drug-trafficking charges. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who first took power in a 2013 coup, has governed Egypt in an authoritarian manner. The political system is influenced by the country’s totalitarian past, with constitutional safeguards designed to prevent authoritarian rule. ”. President Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon since 1982. Meaningful political opposition is virtually nonexistent, as expressions of dissent can draw criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Religious Freedom in China. Partisan arrests silence critics in Bangladesh Feb 29, 2024 · Global Freedom. Pakistani authorities have long used the education system to portray Hindus and other non-Muslims negatively and to rationalize enmity between Pakistan and India, among other ideological aims. Overview. About the Report. Nations in Transit evaluates the state of democracy in the region stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia. Freedom on the Net is Freedom House’s annual survey and analysis of internet freedom around the world. Nations in Transit. In response, French authorities raised the terrorist threat level in France and deployed 7,000 soldiers to carry out increased security patrols within the country. Nov 22, 2023 · But not all of 2024’s contests are receiving enough attention. Since a peace agreement was reached in 2018, elections have been delayed; elites Crime has become an acute concern in Ecuador, with 45 homicides per 100,000 people being recorded in 2023; that figure stood at 13. In Europe and Eurasia, governments are failing to uphold the rights and freedoms of citizens. May 16, 2024 · Based on the estimates and scoring by Freedom House (2024). The main Kremlin-approved opposition parties—the Communist Party, A Just Russia, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, and the New People party—won 118 seats combined. Civil liberties, including press freedom and freedom of assembly, are tightly restricted. The constitution bans human trafficking, and bonded labor is illegal, but estimates of the number of workers still affected by the practice range from 20 to 50 million. Jan 2, 2024 · Be the first to know what's happening. That incident was the country’s first execution of a woman since 2004. 24. In 2020, the government introduced the death penalty for rape in response to large protests after a series of high-profile incidents of rape and sexual assault. The rule of law prevails, and civil liberties are generally respected. In August 2023, SADC leaders extended the group’s military operation in Mozambique through July 2024. Syrians make up approximately 650,000 of these refugees. 15 / 100. The end of 2023 was marked by an increase in violent activity by far-right groups, particularly against Muslims and immigrants. For all 29 countries in Nations in Transit, Freedom House—in consultation with the report authors, a panel of expert advisers, and a group of regional reviewers—provides numerical ratings in seven categories South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in 2011. While there are multiple opposition parties in Parliament, elections are distorted by fraud, and electoral processes are not transparent. Freedom in the World 2024 finds that global freedom declined for the 18th consecutive year in 2023. Global Freedom. Over 200,000 work permits have been granted to Syrians. Outstanding challenges include ethnic and gender-based discrimination and In 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimated that more than 150,000 Nicaraguans had fled to Costa Rica since 2018. Spain’s parliamentary system features competitive multiparty elections and peaceful transfers of power between rival parties. Political rights and civil liberties are generally well respected. The combination of democratic deterioration and frustrations over the role of the monarchy in Thailand’s governance triggered massive demonstrations in 2020 and 2021. In the 2021 Duma elections, United Russia won 324 seats, maintaining its supermajority. A UNM-led coalition won 36 seats via proportional representation, and seven smaller groups won the remaining seats. See The US State Department’s 2023 Trafficking in Persons Report continued to report that Fiji “does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so. In the October 2020 parliamentary elections and November runoffs, GD won 90 seats, including all single-member districts. In a September 2023 statement, the OHCHR reported that 45,900 Nicaraguans applied for asylum in Costa Rica between September 2022 and July 2023. Wang Bingzhang and the US public servants and diplomats of Operation Nica Welcome in recognition of their brave stances against tyranny and dedication to freedom. 25 / 100. 91/100. 47 / 100. The laws sought to expand the range of punishable offenses, enhance supervisory mechanisms, and extend the statute of limitations. The organization also celebrated Michael J Overview. Swedish and EU officials have called for Floderus’s release; the diplomat, whose trial on dubious espionage charges began in December 2023, remained in prison in Iran at year’s end. G4 0-4 pts. Corruption, enforced disappearances, military trials Feb 29, 2024 · Internet Freedom. The 2024 edition covers developments in 195 countries and 15 territories from January 1, 2023 The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that over six million people were displaced within Sudan between April and December 2023, in the context of the war between the SAF and the RSF. by Alexandra Karppi and Mary Hopkins on April 11, 2024. The UN estimated that an additional 1. 0044. Uzbekistan has a bicameral legislature. (2024, February 29). “The world faces another crucial test in 2024, as billions of people head to the polls and multiple armed conflicts—including in the Sahel, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and the Middle East—continue to violate people’s . Japan is a multiparty parliamentary democracy. 00 pts0-4 pts. See the Freedom in the World 2024 score and learn about democracy Starting in 2024, legislative elections will feature a fully proportional system. The Home Office recorded a 41 percent increase in hate crimes based on sexual orientation from the 2020–21 to 2021–22 reporting periods. As a lethal pandemic, economic and physical insecurity, and violent conflict ravaged the world in 2020, democracy’s defenders sustained heavy new losses in their struggle against authoritarian foes, shifting the international balance in favor of tyranny. Incumbent leaders increasingly used force to crush Jan 2, 2024 · A profusion of major elections. Feb 29, 2024 · Join Freedom House on February 29, 2024 for the launch of its flagship report on global democracy trends. 9 percent of murder victims in 2022 were Black. 9 in 2022. The use of solitary confinement for extended periods of time in Canada’s prisons has been controversial. 35 / 100. Trade union members are also subject to intimidation and violence, particularly in rural areas. Produced annually since 1973, it is the most widely read and cited Following five years of direct military rule, Thailand transitioned to a military-dominated, semielected government in 2019. Child labor remains a problem, and there is a shortage of labor inspectors tasked with enforcing legal protections. While the regime has maintained stability and economic growth, it has also suppressed political dissent through pervasive surveillance, intimidation, arbitrary 811 Rattlesnake Bridge Road Bedminster Township, NJ 07921. In response, the authorities used repressive tactics May 8, 2024 · WATCH: Freedom House president Michael J. The police are additionally underfunded. 15/100. mb pt jy rl tg qm go se yc al