Rad 140 only cycle reddit. I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews.

Should I do another cycle of rad or maybe LGD, or should I just go for a test only cycle? rad will both fill one of the andro roles of test and tank your SHBG, this will jump your free test and allow more for aromatization. Pointless and will likely yield worse results than just running one of the conpounds. It will be my first time using chemical enhancements. 5mg of Enlcomiphene. I was thinking about maybe running Enclo for a few weeks to see its benefits, as I’ve read the side effects are much less significant. really pointless to add ostarine onto RAD 140. STOPPING RAD-140 cycle 4 days IN. https://pubmed. 400-600 mgs a week). Test base rocks with SARMs. I wouldn't run the bridge with rad140 for anymore than 4 weeks after 4 weeks of anadrol. You can keep a good 80-95% of your gains if you do pct and keep the training and diet up after. Far too high run 10mg max. 20mg for 6 weeks then 30 for 2 total of 8 weeks i’ve noticed small strength and size gain and no negative effects… Sep 25, 2019 · RAD-140 Cycle for Maximum Lean Mass Gains. It's one cycle of sarms, not to trivialize them but the strongest sarm is quite mild compared to your average aas. You would get much better gains on a TRUE test cycle (i. Just how i look at it, every body is different so always adjust accordingly to your own response to the compounds. r/steroids Read the wiki and follow the sub. My weight has gone from 207lbs to 216 lbs. currently 2 weeks into an 8 week cycle. Run AC262 - 30mg a day and let the magic happen with little to no suppression or other side effects. I also stacked MK677 for the duration of the cycle at 10mg a day. RAD-140, 8-week cycle. 5mg LGD 4033 for 8 weeks. Seemed to respond to it very well absolutely no side effects. But now you're definitely going to need to PCT off the Test, unless you're on a TRT dose all the time. healthy individual overall. 6kg muscle mass and 79kg total. It keeps building up the longer my cycle lasts. gov/20026378/ We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. BUT… if you’re only doing it for 4 weeks to avoid blood work or PCT protocols, you’re not taking PED’s seriously enough and you have no business doing them. So you added 150ish lbs in 6 months. Just finished a 7 week cycle of rad140 at 10mg. Got blood done before hand to be safe as have read about some suppression. Honestly dude, it’s not worth it to risk losing your gains. Some unlucky people would get fucked by 10mg ostarine 8 weeks. •. Thinking of either. On average 6. On my 3rd cycle of it at 20mg. Is it stupid to use it alone? 10mg of Rad is all you need. 5 mg Rad = 45mg Don't Fuck around with 250 a week that's a high trt dose. I already had 2 succesfull cycles of rad140 + enclo. Chemyo sells 50ml bottles of rad with 10mgs per ml. Post cycle: I am now 1. Bench went from 145lbs 3rep to 315 3 rep. Hey guys, I’ve only ever done an Osta and GW cycle and even on Osta I went into suppression, I’m just wondering what dosages I should take for these 3 compounds in particular the Enclomiphene and whether I should run it on cycle and perhaps continue it after cycle. yurtskii. You will probably have a harder time managing estrogen at 250 than 500. ADMIN MOD. . The downside is that you have to pin it. I’ve run two cycles of Rad140 paired with Mk677. I was content with what i kept. Or. I cut the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 15 Share. See table for bloods and bodyscan either side of cycle. Add creatine to your cycle. But normal cycles I heard are 10mg then you can up it to 15,20,etc. My first cycle of rad was 10mg/ml for 7 weeks around 2 years ago, i am 6 foot 2 and was around 170 pounds when I started (yikes). 5mg daily Week 5-8 - rad140 12. 5mg each day of rad for a cut is far superior to 25mg ostarine for a cut, it’s 9 times stronger than ostarine. Take off week 5 and 6 and then start rad140 at 10-15mgs a day. I gained about 10lbs. This would be my first time using PEDs. Another 10 minutes of cardio will lose u more weight than adding osta on top of rad. If this is first time with SARMS you definitely shouldn't be starting with RAD unless you have previous experience with steroids or other SARMS. So i’m only 3 days into my RAD 140 cycle of 5mg a day and already experiencing some high blood pressure side effects. lgd is a SHITTON stronger than rad 140. You're perfectly fine running another RAD cycle. Even start at 5. 5mg + enclomiphene 12. 10 mg morning and 10mg at night. Lot of people hot on enclomiphene these days, but personally I like nolvadex. I started enclomiphene on week 3 eod at 6. This will be my first sarm cycle and I'm thinking of using Rad at 10mg daily for 8 weeks. Save the MK 677 for another time, you probably don't have enough anyways considering your post. 5mg daily Week 9 - enclomiphene 12. Might have been the most solid DL workout I’ve had for a while, but realistically can’t be attributed to RAD. I initially set out to cut and had my calories on a deficit for the first 4 weeks, and then went to maintenance for the remaining 4 weeks as my appetite If you are gonna take sarms then at least take an effective dose. Testosterone would be superior in every conceivable way, if you aren't scared of needles. Dosage - Rad- 10mg, Mk- 12. Forget about RAD. iv. Background: 25 years natural bodybuilding (obviously not after this) Height - 5' 7”. The difference in running Rad with Test is unbelievable I can’t . I wouldn’t worry about the current LDL statue wether if you go longer over 8 more weeks , but I would need your to replace your treadmills with a sprint cardio at least 3 times per week and add some high strength EPA fish oil , the LDL will drop significantly 15~20% on week 4 , and once you finish your cycle immediately start taking Niacinamide 500mg per day , in two weeks later your Just less pokes, it’s a long ester. Deadlift from 225lb to 405lb 3 rep. 10mg rad 140 25 mg mk677 10mg Cardarine. Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. ago. 5mg daily Age:24 Weight:185lbs Height:6'ft. Did 10mg ED for the first week then went up to 15 mg for the second week and currently been on 20mg for the past 2 weeks. Just today I have realised a tiny rubbery lump under one of my nipples. Then finally, the last 4 weeks of the cycle I ran 10mg of Nolva as well. … I would say max 250mg test a week with a typical 10-20mg rad dosage, but yeah, it will take all the suppression side effects away and allow you to run the rad for a bit longer, like 10-12 weeks without much of an issue. Just wondering any supplements i could take to knock it down a little bit so i can continue the cycle. But, you have to take it longer and you have to pin it. Doing a PCT when you don’t need to will be damaging. Should see some solid gains from the cycle if your diet is in check and you're eating enough for gains. Whichever comes first. Rad-140 and MK-677 12 week cycle with Enclomiphene. Started with 5mg for 2 weeks, directly after the corona lockdown was over (so I had little gains). Reply reply. Unlike 4033 it is dry, similar to rad 140, and more aesthetic than 4033. So that’s 500mg total. r/rad140. Unfortunately my RAD lasted only for 4 weeks. 5 mg of MK every day before bed. But yeah. e. 1st picture Feb - 2021 / 139lbs. 4 weeks in suppression set in and felt like a bus ran me over. I know without bloods its impossible to be sure but I think I am one of the lucky people who haven't been majorly suppressed by rad 140, after 1 week off I am feeling good and libido is normal, balls are normal size and sleep quality is back to normal. and 25mg 4-6 hours later. I will be taking Rad-140 starting next week. TwolvesBaby. TRT is the best PCT protocol, so if you start pinning before your RAD cycle is up, you should feel less suppressed at about 4-6 weeks. Start PCT 5 days to a week after last dose. This will help you hold onto some of the anadrol gains (but none of the water weight). I'm 180cm, and 87kg atm, started the cycle 88kg (all of the body weights were measured at morning after pee). RAD at 4 weeks won’t do anything. Noticeable stronger pumps since day 2, strength was going steadily up. Add Citrus bergamot at least 1000 mgs a day. At 19 one might ask how much lifting you've done Test >>>> rad 140. Benefits - iv. Hi guys, I’m planning my next cycle that will start at the end of januari. First SARM cycle - RAD 140 results here’s the before and after 174. Your Test will aromatize and raise estrogen, you’ll gain water weight and your blood pressure will go up. I would not do more than 10mg your first cycle. Even though I was still able to lift the same, recovery was shit. Regardless I will have it on hand but am curious which do people prefer and seem to The half-life of Rad is 64 hours so whether you take 5, 10, or 20mg a day after a certain point your androgen receptors will be fully saturated with rad-140. Then i became ill in the last week of my pct (FUCK ME). 5 Dosing: Week 1 @5 mg Week 2 @7. 4 weeks into my third cycle right now coupling it with 400mg Test a week. 25 enclo ed. Do 10mg a daynot 20mg to start off with (see how bad the side effects are)u can still try 20mg by the end of the cycle (week 7/8) U should also get some enclomiphene Start that week 2/3 cuz it might take 2 weeks for it to kick in (6. Rad 140 enclo cycle. Did 10 weeks cycle. Is 10 a day for 7 weeks a good enough cycle to make some gains? Day 4: Sunday, big ab workout and some HIIT with standing OHP, Push ups and squats. com Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. age : 24height : 170cmweight : 69kgbodyfat : around 15%. Hope my results/recording benefits someone. you may not need to after 8 weeks of rad at 10mg for example- BUT, Some people might, some won’t. nlm. Immense energy in workouts, hitting PRs everyday. Day 5: back day again. Rad140: 10mg/Day for the entire 6 week cycle (will bump up to 15mg/day during weeks 3-6 if the sides and suppression isn't bad) Cardarine: 10mg/day for the first week followed by First Cycle RAD 140. Rad 140 vs LGD 4033 for first cycle. Im doing a total of 8 weeks. Chemyo RAD-140 only good for 6 week cycle? So I got the liquid bottle of RAD-140 from Chemyo and it’s 10mg/ml and in a 50ml bottle. Yk11 as far as i know kicks in a lot quicker at like around a week, similar to oral AAS meaning you'll have 6-7 weeks of that. Cycle was 10mg of Rad140 for the first 4 weeks, then 15mg of Rad140 for the last four weeks. Bunch of other back work after that. 5 -> 181. I’m taking 15mg of rad ed and 6. Photo 1 (the mirror photo) is before the RAD140 in early April 2023. Deadlift 365 5 x 5. Interesting and amazing. I had a few questions though before jumping in. Looking to gain as much muscle as possible with the least amount of side effects. Rad140 only cycle Looking for advice, comments, thoughts , so I finally got all my blood work back after a rad 140 cycle. 2nd week - i. 25mg. Timeframe so people don’t have unrealistic expectations. Make sure you have Aromasin and use it. Hey everyone I’m going to start a rad 140 cycle and want to have a pct on hand. LGD would be a good start if you want something stronger than mk2866. **goals :**wanted to gain size and some strength in some We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Pictures are my stats before and after the cycle. Jan 13, 2021 · I just wanted to give an update on my experience with my first PED cycle of RAD140 and the testosterone suppression + PCT (3 weeks in and feeling great). Save me the misery and bashing yes im a complete moron for doing it 19 WEEKS at 20mg and with NO TEST base. Good gains buddy , I would have suggested starting with 5mg rad and 10 mg mk 677 , then in week 3 introduce 20mg MK677 taken twice a day , upon waking up and before going to sleep , if you could split the mk by 3 for 3 doses in a day it would be best that way you'll have a constant pulsatile release for 8 hour periods of time and 10mg rad pre workout. RAD is very powerful. Greg Doucette, and other articles/videos on the web) and have come up with this for a 6 week cycle to start out. Feel like I gained a decent amount of muscle. 5 mg Weeks 3-8 @10 mg Source: US Gains Lifting Split: NSUNS 6 day squat Strength gains: Squat 260x2 -> 295 x2 Bench 170x2 -> 200 x2 OHP 125 x 1 -> 140 x2 Rad will wreck them. your plan is standard, you should not have complications. Takeaway/Adjustments - Decreased MK dosage to 12. Rad-140 at 12. My only issue now is I have leftover Rad (which is fine) but a bottle of Enclo also. Does anybody can help me how i can get rid of this side effect during my cycle. Taking a lower dose will make this process take longer. Reply. 345 squat (got back problems) n/a deadlift (not worth it for me) goals: Increase lean mass and decrease fat % down to about 10%. PCT is mandatory. If you have powder scale it up from 5mg to 10over course of two weeks . Ran it with test and it’s a game changer. 25mg may be ok for younger guys and/or who have highish pre cycle test, while 30+ and/or these with lowish pre-cycle test may need 12. Some people say it’s an absolute must while others say the serm sides are worse and you should avoid unless absolutely necessary. During my cycle everything went well, and it was going much better than the last cycle, at the end i hit 60. 5mg average since I started with higher doses and then dropped to 10mg a day not wanting to add risk of side effects. Don't increase the dosage either and you should stick with 8 weeks. Hey guys, Wanted to ask what the expected gains in lean muscle if I take rad 140 at 10mg a day for 8 weeks with a base of 1 year and a good diet and good sleep any advice would be great as well as taking enclomiphene citrate. 5mg (stopped after 2nd day ) ii. taking it daily means itll "stack" up so you may have around 15mg (ish) in your system constantly after the 3rd or 4th Rad 140, mk677 and cardine cycle. SomeBoiSupper. Relevant info –. Gained 15 pounds and barely any fat. Used enclo every day at week 4 and continued until 2 weeks post cycle. 3. My plan is to run 10 mg everyday for 8 weeks. Citrus Bergamong (500mg in the morning, 500mg at night) – Cholesterol. • 2 mo. Weight lost wasn't fast but recomp was amazing. 8% is like 3 weeks out from a competition. That’s why you see so much conflicting information. because my dumbass spilled the bottle. Only reason RAD would "deliver results faster" would be because it's an oral with a shorter half-life than long-estered testosterone like cypionate or enanthate. I’m about to run a rad140 only cycle and the capsules I bought are 15 per 2 caps I was wondering if I should take 1 cap per day for 8 weeks so that I rest at 15mg of rad140 according to that half life of it or should I just take 2 caps per day for 5 weeks, also I need more advice on how to PCT with nolvadex after the cycle like the dosage of nolva and how long to run it for so that I can A real test cycle at a decent dosage will completely nuke a rad only cycle. BF around 15%. You should see good progress off the test base+rad. Dosage between 5-20 mg/day, 3 times a day due to short half life. Looking at an 8 week cycle for the rad, and staying on the other two However, there is a way you can bridge here - start the test C and run your 50-100mgs of anadrol for 4 weeks. Im going to be running a cycle of the following. From what the studies suggest, 5-8mg seems to be the sweet spot. Thought I’d share my results from 8 weeks of 10mg of Rad140 for 8 weeks. after a long time of research on sarms I decided to start an ostarine cycle. ShishaBlend • 2 yr. 315 bench. Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart. Those sarms have only slight suppression as side effects so it's a safe cycle. How would you recommend taking rad 140? I thought of trying 5mg/day for 6 weeks , but I heard RAD-140 half life is 60 hours, so isn't it better to take every 2 days ? Taking it daily sound like a waste to me. You can’t compare them as test excels in every way. Looking into my first rad140 cycle with enclomiphene PCT from receptorchem and wondered whether the below is a good cycle Week 1-4 - rad140 12. Personally I would go with Enclom, clomid and then Nolva in order of preference for PCT. 2nd picture July - 2023 / 190lbs. 8nmol test. Stay safe with 5mg i guess, i started 10 and went to 15 the next week then 20 and stayed at 20. Squat went from 185lb to 385lb 1 rep. 💉 Anabolic Steroids 💉. Some initial minor side effects, which only lasted for 1-2 weeks, except for the excessive sweating that was present until the end. Unlike Rad, T base is REQUIRED, not just Rad140 at 15mg and cardarine at 20mg ED. A male should be doing 15-30 mg, 15 mg is mild even but it is your call at the end of the day, So in 6ish months you increased your dead from 405 max to 550ish 1RM based of 510lbs for 5. • 3 mo. 5mg for another 2 weeksu should be good thenwait 2-3 months before taking again Ps I'm doing my 2nd Jan 1, 2024 · During any RAD 140 cycle, one should take the following supplements as on-cycle-therapy to mitigate side effects: Fish Oil (up to 6 capsules a day) OR Krill Oil (up to 3 capsules a day) – Cholesterol. Rad 140, test E cycle. I’d start at 10mg rad. But since your on a test base you wont get any suppression so go for 12weeks. My first 7-week cycle 10mg RAD140. I keep seeing people saying that they're going to be using a 100-200mg test base on X sarm cycle. 250 test plus 10 mg on rad will be a hectic cycle. Vitamins/supplements were NAC, Berberine 5'6" 175lbs about 13-15% bf. 2. Comparing rad 140 to other orals is better. Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. Everyone here will tell you Testosterone over RAD140 and the reasoning is obvious as you have mentioned, its the parent hormone and carries less potentiation of side effects rather than an oral SARM. TNE would deliver results far quicker and more pronounced than RAD-140. Planning a new cycle. I get some light headaches and it’s been around 140-150/ 60-70. Context would help on post like these. Ran 15mg for first 2 weeks and just bumped up to 25mg Started with 5mg RAD 10 mg Cardarine in the mornings and 12,5mg MK in the evenings. Total shutdown is extremely rare. ncbi. Super setted sith pullups. I cut the RAD140 & Cardarine Cut Cycle. Aromasin will keep all that in check. It's more than enough and gives you room to go up in the future if you feel you need to. 7 kg muscle mass. Should use 500mg/wk test for a first aas cycle. Just wanted to post a 4 week update of my first rad-140 cycle. Running a proper PCT is essential, especially for maintaining more of the gains post cycle. Dosage is 15mg Rad 140 and I started to put in Enclo in Week 4 at 12,5 mg because I started to feel suppression. Was 16. Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a. I think Rad for that long will be aright, it’ll mess your lipids up so eat clean as possible. Everyone is different and my 2nd RAD cycle took my testosterone down to 264ng, but the only suppression I felt, was lethargy during my workouts. Went from 300lbs to 240lbs. Weight pre-RAD140 - 77kg (lean around 10-12% BF) Your hormones will go back to normal, even without pct but that helps the time taken. after 3 weeks i was back on 59. I started the cycle mainly cuz I had a back injury last november and since then coudlnt rly lift heavy Looking into my first rad140 cycle with enclomiphene PCT from receptorchem and wondered whether the below is a good cycle Week 1-4 - rad140 12. You can also take test for much longer periods than rad. Since you only ran the cycles once a year, you should be fully recovered naturally. 250mg/we really isn't worth it. Before and After 3 cycles. Hi guys, 25 Y/O M weighing 200lbs. Just run rad on its own then, and finish off with a pct I've done this before with no sides. Schedule and pct question? So I have tan 2 test e only cycles my last one was about 8months ago and I’m looking to add in rad140 but I see a lot of conflicting info: From my understanding I should be stacking them, although I have seen a few threads saying start with rad Post ostarine cycle looking to take RAD-140. 4 days in and I’ve realised the damage Rad may do to my body isn’t worth. 10. I‘ve ran rad-140 without test and I won’t do that again. Will plan to get blood test done before and after. Said to be as strong as oral steroids such as Anavar and Turinabol. Don’t stack Enclo and Nolva, stop the Enclo once you start the Nolva. The only big side effect i experience is rad insomnia. If you liked the results, go for it. Theoretically thinking it would make sense to take the rad first then the clomid, or it could not matter at all because the half life is longer on the clomid than the RAD140 Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies Now onto the log -. nih. r/SARMs. 10mg rad start enclo week 3 and you don’t need to run both nolva and enclo. As long as it's a low dose you should be okay 10 mg shouldn't be an issue. Iv been gaining steady with strength, nothing magical tho, veins popping that usually only come out with a pump. 10mg Rad 140 for 8 weeks. 5mg. Rad 140: 20mg a day (you can build up to this, but that's usually rather pointless besides of course a compound like andarine) MK 2866: 15 to 20mg a day. Everyone reacts differently to sarms. im on my first rad-140 only cycle. Hello everyone hope y'all doing good , been a lurker on this sub for few years now lately decided to do the plunge into PEDS**background :**been lifting for 6 years now. shitty. m. Will be eating at about a 200-300kcal deficit. Hey guys, quick break down to my other two cycles, my first cycle I ran S4, for 25mg only 60days, IT WAS GREAT! my second one was rad 140. 15mg showed to make my hair fall out at an alarming rate. Hello everyone, for people with experience I have a question for you. Why? Creatine is a proven myostatin inhibitor and increases the follistanin which further helps you pack muscle mass in conjunction to what you will get from RAD. Ah ha! Perfect cycle and PCT using SERMs + SARMs Rad-140 and enclomiphene! I had a little more than my newbie gains when I did this second cycle. I gained about 8 lbs of lean muscle mass so far and lost a ton of fat. Also i have had no previous problems with blood pressure. 0. Just for reference, this is my first SARM cycle, I will be running Rad-140 for 8 weeks. Continue rad140 cycle past 8 weeks? So I took my last dose this morning of what is supposed to be 8 weeks, did 10mg for 4 weeks then upped it to 15 for the remaining 4 weeks. So if I want to take 10mg a day this cycle would last just over 7 weeks. Sides - headache, puffy nipple (1st day of week) iii. If you need help, DM me, i’ll set you up right. As someone above said - you will get great gains and there will be room to grow . I am running 12. If you start your serm with your sarm, all youre doing is adding for free t to your system that's going to aromatize or turn into dht. RAD-140 dosing. Overall, I am planning for this bulk to be 18-20 weeks long, or until I no longer like what I see in the mirror. Gyno advice. Here is my cycle: Week. Then i stopped the rad (but continued the mk-677). Photo 2 is late July after my RAD-140 cycle. So realistically it’s going to take 12 weeks to lose 20lbs. Going to use Enclo during week 3-4 and as pct. You could drop out the yk11 at week 8 and continue 4 more weeks on rad perhaps. Finished my 8 week cycle of RAD-140 yesterday and these are the results. I would lower the T (or use an AI if you want the high free T) and adjust dosing frequency if you only dose once a week. I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews. Done my fair share of research (Reddit, the great Dr. Keep nolva on hand if you get gyno. What’s up guys, I’m currently about half way through week 5 of my cycle. If I do a 8 week cycle then I won’t have enough RAD-140 to do the job. I’ve been consistently working out roughly 6 times per week for the last 3 and a half years, this is my second RAD cycle. Hey guys, i've been on a RAD140 + Cardarine Cycle for almost 5 weeks (today is the 5th week) Week 1 10mg, since then 20mg each day of RAD140 + since week 4 12. Rad 140 pct. Bumped it up to 10mg. 5 weeks off cycle, no pct and feeling mostly back to normal. Let me tell you this stack had some sides for me like increased aggression, a little bit of hair loss, some mood swings and dry joints. 5mg daily I wouldn’t worry about the current LDL statue wether if you go longer over 8 more weeks , but I would need your to replace your treadmills with a sprint cardio at least 3 times per week and add some high strength EPA fish oil , the LDL will drop significantly 15~20% on week 4 , and once you finish your cycle immediately start taking Niacinamide 500mg per day , in two weeks later your You could conceivably run the RAD140 longer in this scenario, like 10-12 weeks. Considering getting on RAD140 to speed up getting back to what I was before a long-term injury. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Been looking to do a RAD-140 Cycle however I only plan on doing a single cycle TRT is the best PCT protocol, so if you start pinning before your RAD cycle is up, you should feel less suppressed at about 4-6 weeks. First Rad-140 cycle 4 week update. Hey all, I’m thinking about starting a RAD 140 cycle later this summer for a clean bulk. Felt good. 25mg a day) After rad cycle, switch it up to 12. The strength and endurance gains I have been experiencing have been ridiculous. 5mg end of week due to bloating and lethargy. See full list on pathofpeds. Like Rad140, 3303 requires Liver, Kidney, Cholesterol, and Joint support. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) (800-1200mg/day) – Liver. Hi, as a bit of context Im 6 ft 190lb at around 14% bf, recently coming off a rotator cuff injury and looking to get some strength and muscle back. Would recommend 10g ED for a week and then 5 mg for the rest of the weeks and continue even after your cycle. Rad140. Not 11% bodyfat and not 8% bodyfat. iu uu rv cw sj ds jo tn kp cl