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The Education 2030 Framework for Action was adopted by 184 UNESCO Member States on 4 November 2015 in Paris. The Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda, which is part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Supporting sector-wide planning, policies and reforms 34 2. It breaks new ground in acknowledging the growing importance of The Education Sector will also further enhance its intra-sectoral collaboration on ESD and encourage the contribution of its relevant programmes and networks to ESD for 2030, including the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet), UNESCO Chairs, UNEVOC Centres on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the Learning Cities SDG4-Education 2030 was developed through a broad consultative process driven and owned by Member States, and facilitated by UNESCO as well as other partners and guided by the EFA Steering Committee. Since 2000, Albania has achieved 2. We recognize that ICTs are both drivers and enablers of progress for governments in taking forward SDG 4 and multipliers for UNESCO also leads e orts to respond to contemporary global challenges through transformative learning, with special focus on gender equality and Africa across all actions. Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 6. 优质教育 确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身享有学习机会 与教育有关的具体目标贯穿多项可持续发展目标:在《2030年可持续发 展议程》中,教育不仅 Educatonal outcomes are lower for children who are bulliedBehind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying 34 School violence can cause physical injuries and harm. org. It focuses on the elaboration of the proposal for the renewed Global Education Cooperation Mechanism (GCM), its endorsement at the Ministerial Segment of the 2021 GEM, as UNESCO SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee. Education 2030 offers a broader view of the education sector than those defined by both the Jomtien Declaration in 1990 and the Dakar Framework for Action in 2000. The meeting resulted in the adoption of ten decisions around (1) accelerating and monitoring progress towards SDG4; (2) transforming education financing; and (3) advancing the global education agenda. These working procedures set out the role and functioning of the CCNGO-ED 2030 in this respect. Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. In line with 211 EX/Decision 6, this document reports on UNESCO’s coordination of and support for SDG 4 – Education 2030 since the 211th session of the Executive Board. In the context of Education 2030, UNESCO enjoys a privileged capacity in the coordination of capacity-building activities. The Education Sector will also further enhance its intra-sectoral collaboration on ESD and encourage the contribution of its relevant programmes and networks to ESD for 2030, including the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet), UNESCO Chairs, UNEVOC Centres on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the Learning Cities . L’élève est capable de faire des recherches sur la dépendance de son pays à l’égard de la mer. 2014. PIRLS data suggest that globally, 28. Más allá de los límites The Education 2030 Framework for Action provides guidance for the implementation of this ambitious goal and commitments. As the UNESCO Approved Programme and Budget 2018/2019 (39/C5) stated: “As part of the Education 2030 Framework for Action, UNESCO is mandated to support national capacity development for the implementation of SDG 4. Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 5. 为了完善和补充正规的学校教 育,应当通过具备适足资源和机制的 非正规途径和通过鼓励非正式学习 (包括为此使用信息和通讯技术), 提供广泛和 How can ICT enhance the quality and accessibility of education in Asia and the Pacific? This book presents the findings and recommendations of a regional consultation on this topic, organized by UNESCO in collaboration with the Korean Ministry of Education. Educación de calidad Garantizar una 42 C Job: 202303700 General Conference 42 C/19 3 November 2023 Original: English Item 4. The report, entitled Policy-makers and educators have entered uncharted territory that raises fundamental questions on how the future of learning will interact with AI. Os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 1. Paris: UNESCO. Teacher supply. As a capacity development institute specializing in educational planning, IIEP is preparing itself to ensure it provides Member States the kinds of Nov 5, 2021 · UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development for 2030 framework and its Roadmap 2020-2030. Teachers. World Teachers’ Day 2019: Fact sheet. A broad agenda. It has been entrusted to lead the Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4. K. com. He coordinated the financing gap estimates for the 2030 education targets, the projections on the achievement of universal primary May 22, 2015 · Education 2030: topics and issues. UNESCO’s mandate calls inherently for a human-centred approach to AI. The new agenda, with ten targets, is bold and ambitious. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) estimates that 69 million teachers must be recruited until 2030 to achieve SDG 4 goals for primary and secondary education. 5th Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030) will specifically focus on Target 4. L’UNESCO est la seule institution spécialisée des Nations Unies à couvrir tous les aspects de l’éducation, au travers d’un réseau mondial d’instituts spécialisés et de bureaux. "Today, with the Education 2030 Framework for Action, Governments from across the world have agreed on how to translate a promise on paper to change Objectif de développement durable 4 : L’éducation occupe une place centrale dans le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030. Last update:20 April 2023. 1 (ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes) and Target 4. En cette occasion historique, nous réaffirmons la vision qui est celle du mouvement mondial en faveur de l’Éducation pour tous, lancé en 1990 à Jomtien et renouvelé à Dakar en 2000, L’agenda mondial Éducation 2030 En tant qu’institution des Nations Unies spécialisée pour l’éducation, l’UNESCO est chargée de diriger et de coordonner l’agenda Éducation 2030, qui fait partie d’un mouvement mondial visant à éradiquer la pauvreté, d’ici à 2030, à travers 17 Objectifs de développement durable. The debates included the following sessions: Providing meaningful learning opportunities to out-of-school children. Erradicação da pobreza – Acabar com a pobreza em todas as suas formas, em todos os lugares 2. A Education 2030 Framework for Action was adopted in November 2015 by UNESCO together with Member States, which outlines how to translate global commitments into practice at a country, regional and global level. Our vision is to transform lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of development. UNESCO, as the specialized UN agency for education, will continue in its mandated role to lead and coordinate the SDG4- Education 2030 agenda, in particular by: • undertaking advocacy to sustain political commitment; • undertaking capacity development; • facilitating policy dialogue, knowledge- sharing and standard-setting and providing Education transforms lives every day and in every corner of society. assegurar a educação inclusiva e equitativa de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para todos. m. 2015 世界 教育 The unfinished EFA agenda 17 CHAPTER 2 – TOWARDS A NEW EDUCATION AGENDA AFTER 2015 23 CHAPTER 3 – UNESCO’S STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2014–2021 29 Strategic objective 1 Developing education systems to foster quality and inclusive lifelong learning for all 33 1. c and in the Incheon Declaration, which specifically calls for Member States to “ensure that teachers and educators are empowered, adequately UNESCO believes that education is a human right for all throughout life and that access must be matched by quality. Today, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics is launching the very first eAtlas for Education 2030, as part of our mandate to produce the data needed to monitor SDG 4 by working with a range of partners. It is dedicated to raising awareness, expanding knowledge and supporting countries towards achieving target 4. Quadro 1. UNESCO has supported to develop these two policy documents on SDG 4 in the global and sub-regional level. It furthermore covers latest developments 受教育权从人出生开始,并陪伴 人终身;因此,“可持续发展目标 4-2030年教育”以终身学习5理念为 指导。. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education. May 20, 2015 · Incheon, Republic of Korea, 19 May - The global education agenda for the next 15 years will be discussed at the World Education Forum 2015 (WEF 2015), which opened today in Incheon, Republic of Korea. Goal 4 of the Agenda ("ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all") is the source of the Global Education Agenda for the period 2016 to 2030. The UIS has also developed new global projections of the numbers of teachers needed to achieve the goal. 4 million primary school teachers and 44. In his Policy Brief released on 4 August 2020, the UN Secretary-General urged the world to take urgent action to prevent “a learning crisis from becoming a generational catastrophe”. It covers the challenges and opportunities of ICT in education, the policy frameworks and strategies, the innovative practices and lessons 1 ED-2016/ED2030/SC-TORs May 2016 SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee Terms of Reference Background With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the UN Summit in September 2015, and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community has committed to a new global agenda, aimed at eradicating poverty by 2030 and achieving sustainable development l’UNESCO, qui a pris l’initiative et la direction de l’organisation de cet événement majeur pour l’Éducation 2030. Of the 24. The COVID-19 pandemic has created the most severe disruption in education systems in history. c of SDG 4. fr es ru ar zh. Studies have shown that school leadership has the second-largest UNESCO is committed to supporting Member States to harness the potential of AI technologies for achieving the Education 2030 Agenda, while ensuring that its application in educational contexts is guided by the core principles of inclusion and equity. It is taken into account in UNESCO’s regular programme. 4 million secondary school teachers (see Figure 1 and Annex 1). It offers a starting point for readers interested in more in-depth information about the indicators, along with maps and charts to illustrate national and regional 3 days ago · The Global Education Meeting will result in a strong call for action on education for the remaining years until 2030, to accelerate country progress on priority areas. Document code. 6 (ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and contributions. Paris, UNESCO. Jan 1, 2017 · Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives. Beyond Limits. Corporate author. It is supported by four working groups, which contribute technical input and recommendations in the following areas: 1. 2016. The global report on teachers, a collaboration between UNESCO and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, is a tool to mobilize international and country efforts to empower, recruit, train, and support teachers. to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. With the meeting marking the final Leaders meeting of the 2022-2023 HLSC members, it culminated with the announcement of the cohort of 2024-2025 Jan 10, 2024 · The Incheon Declaration adopted at the event entrusted UNESCO to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda through guidance and technical support within the overall 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNESCO – a global leader in education Education is UNESCO’s top priority because it is a basic human right and the foundation for peace and sustainable development. Annexes 43SITUATION ANALYSIS OF EDUCATION IN ALBANIA: TOWARD SDG4-EDUCATION 2030 6 1. The Education 2030 Framework for Action provides guidance for the implementation of this ambitious goal and commitments. The Declaration on Education 2030 to be agreed at the Forum will mobilize French. The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, also known as the Teacher Task Force (TTF), is a unique partnership created in 2008 to advocate for teachers and the teaching profession around the world. It gives pride of place to the fundamental contribution of quality, inclusive education at all levels and to the importance of lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4). See: UNESCO. 2015. Emphasis will be placed on collaborative engagement with other partners. Educação 2030: Declaração de Incheon e Marco de Ação para a implementação do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 4: Assegurar a educação inclusiva e equitativa de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para todos The Education 2030 Agenda 5 Global education challenges 69m 758m US$39bn new teachers are needed worldwide to reach the 2030 education goals adults (15% of adults) lack any literacy skills; two-thirds of whom are women is needed in aid, a six-fold increase, to fill the annual education finance gap 263m 14% 35% children and youth are out of Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all ED/WEF2015/MD/3 Original: English1 1. Education 2030. 11 Clue 4: an education system as such The Education 2030 Agenda calls us to rethink, amongst other major challenges, the rationale, objectives, strategies, management and The Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Education 2030) is a key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnership with NGOs working in the field of education (see their working procedures ). Transformer l’éducation pour l’avenir23 Notre vision L’éducation est un droit pour chacun, tout au long de sa vie L’éducation est un droit humain fondamental et un bien public mondial qui a le pouvoir de transformer de façon positive la vie des individus, des communautés et de la planète au fil des générations. c of the Education 2030 Agenda, which addresses the need to increase the supply of qualified teachers (UNESCO, 2016; United Nations, 2015). L’élève est capable de débattre de mesures en faveur de la durabilité telles que les quotas de pêches stricts et les moratoires relatifs aux espèces menacées d’extinction. The global multi-stakeholder mechanism. We, Ministers, heads and members of delegations, heads of agencies and officials of multilateral and bilateral organizations, and representatives of civil society, the teaching profession, youth and the private sector, have gathered in May 2015 at the invitation 15 February 2022. UNESCO. UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific; Strongly supports UNESCO in continuing to play its mandated role as the lead agency for the coordination of and support for the implementation of SDG 4 – Education 2030, and also welcomes the launch of the Multilateral Education Partners’ platform and the Organization’s overall engagement with recent initiatives aimed at strengthening III. 8 million teachers: 24. Advocacy toolkit for teachers to provide quality education. Education, essential to achieve all of these goals, has its own dedicated Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4: La Educación ocupa un lugar central en la consecución de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible puesto que, dentro del amplio ámbito de acción de la Agenda, figura como un objetivo en sí mismo (ODS 4) desglosado en 7 metas y 3 medios de implementación. 978-92-3-100318-9; charts) not clearly identified as belonging to UNESCO or as being in the Assim, a UNESCO teve participação ativa na elaboração do documento intitulado " Educação 2030: Declaração de Incheon e Marco de Ação para a implementação do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 4 ", que estabelece o ODS 4, cujo objetivo é. In line with 41 C/Resolution 18, this document reports on UNESCO’s coordination of and support for SDG 4 – Education 2030 since the publication of document 41 C/53. This video explores the power of education and UNESCO’s role in leading and coordinating the Education 2030 Agenda, which is part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. programme and meeting document. Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 7. Teaching profession. Main topic. The good news is that things are about to get a lot easier. The Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda, which is part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Oct 2, 2021 · UNESCO hosts the International Task Force on Teachers (link is external) for Education 2030 and they work together to address the “teacher gap” as well as tackle the issues raised in target 4. 1 SDG4-Education 2030 draws on the thematic consultations on education post-2015 of 2012 and 2013 led by UNESCO and UNICEF, the Global Education UNESCO is responsible for coordinating the international community to achieve this goal through partnerships, policy guidance, capacity development, monitoring and advocacy. Purpose of the CCNGO-ED 2030 The CCNGO-ED 2030 is UNESCO’s key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnerships with NGO s for the implementation of the SDG 4–ED 2030. The agenda pays attention to Early Childhood Care and Education; it demands universal secondary education; the acquisition of skills, including through stronger TVET The Education 2030 Framework for Action has been adopted by UNESCO member countries in the World Education Forum in Incheon, 2015 and the SAARC Framework for Action for Education 2030 has been approved by the SAARC ministerial meeting in 2019. Fome zero e agricultura sustentável – Acabar com a fome, alcançar a segurança alimentar e melhoria da nutrição e promover a agricultura sustentável 3. UNESCO is responsible for implementing and coordinating the Agenda within the United Nations framework. 2. We express our sincere appreciation to UNESCO for having initiated and led the convening of this milestone event for Education 2030. It notes that 258 million children and youth were entirely excluded from education, with poverty as the main Oct 4, 2019 · UNESCO. Other edition available. ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote and promote learning opportunities throughout life for 这项综合议程将教育单独列为一项目标(可持续发展目标4),其中包括7项 成果目标和3项执行手段。. This publication guides readers on how to use education, especially education for sustainable ddevelopment, to achieve the SDGs. UNESCO HED Roadmap 2030. Education for All (EFA) – the global movement to ensure quality basic education for all children, youth and adults – and are specific about the kind of education that is needed in today’s world. It requires political Feb 22, 2024 · Approaching 2030, a major issue looms large: The world is facing a significant teacher shortage. Purpose of the CCNGO/ED 2030 The CCNGO/ED 2030 is UNESCO’s key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnerships with NGOs for the implementation of the SDG 4–ED 2030. The Education 2030 Framework for Action (FFA) was adopted and launched at a high-level meeting, held alongside the 38th UNESCO General Conference at the Organization’s Headquarters on 4 November. These working procedures set out the role and functioning of the CCNGO/ED 2030 in this respect. Incheon Declaration Education 2030 Déclaration d’Incheon Éducation 2030 Declaración de Incheon Educación 2030 Инчхонская декларация Образование 2030 2030 World Education 2015Forum Forum mondial sur l’éducation 2015 Foro Mundial sobre la Educación 2015 Всемирный форум по вопросам образования 2015 г. Licence type. The bottom line is that the deployment and use of AI in education must be guided by the core principles of inclusion and equity. Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action. 5 of the provisional agenda REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ESD) FOR 2030 AND THE BERLIN DECLARATION OUTLINE Background: Pursuant to 41 C/Resolution 16, the Director- General submits a report on the implementation of the “ESD for 2030” framework and the Berlin Inclusive education works to identify all barriers to education and remove them and covers everything from curricula to pedagogy and teaching. Policies and strategies: develops recommendations on follow-up actions at global, regional and country level Transform education now. The new framework ESD for 2030 (2020-2030) builds on the UN Decade of ESD (2005-2014) and the Global Action Programme on ESD (2015 – 2019) and and focuses on The Incheon Declaration constitutes the commitment of the education community to Education 2030 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of development. Its members take an active part in the May 20, 2022 · The 3rd World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) brought together relevant stakeholders to define and prepare a roadmap for a new era of higher education. 4 million teachers needed for universal primary education Jul 2, 2024 · Manos. UNESCO’s work in this area is firstly guided by the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960) as well as Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Education 2030 Framework for Action The Education 2030 Framework for Action was adopted by 184 UNESCO Member States on 4 November 2015 in Paris. Current trends and challenges Prior to APMED 2030, UNESCO Bangkok conducted a quick survey on the current situation of integrating Education 2030 into national plans and M&E systems. UIS (UNESCO Institute for Statistics); TTF (International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030); GEMR (Global Education Monitoring Report) Team. On this historic occasion, we reaffirm the vision of the worldwide movement for Education for All initiated in Jomtien in 1990 and reiterated in Dakar in 2000 – the most UNESCO Digital Library. UNESCO’s role in the implementation of Education 2030 6. It is a human right for all throughout life. Education is the right of every woman, man and child. By 2030, countries must recruit a total of 68. New Ways to Reinvent Higher Education-Roadmap proposed for the WHEC2022. Throughout 2015, UNESCO undertook several actions to support country efforts to prevent violent extremism, promote peace and human rights education, education about the Holocaust and other genocides, and education for sustainable development. It identifies learning objectives, suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG, and describes implementation at different levels from course programme and meeting document. Jun 23, 2020 · Persistence of exclusion: This year’s report is the fourth annual UNESCO GEM Report to monitor progress across 209 countries in achieving the education targets adopted by UN Member States in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2019. Antoninis. Strengthening school leadership to improve teaching and learning is one of the strategies put forward to achieve target 4. 4 This estimate covers the two facets of the teacher gap: the need to replace the teachers leaving the workforce to maintain the current level of education provision, often under The SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee meets once or twice a year to provide strategic advice on priority issues. In a new UNESCO report, the Global Independent Expert Group on the Universities and the 2030 Agenda ( EGU2030) implores that higher education institutions must take on a stronger role to tackle the world’s most pressing issues, as outlined in the sustainable development goals. 3. Kyere / Shutterstock. Au sein de ce large programme, elle se présente essentiellement comme un objectif autonome (ODD 4) accompagné de ses sept cibles de résultats et de 3 moyens de mise en œuvre. The Global Education 2030 Agenda As the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, UNESCO is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda – part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. While governments hold the main responsibility for ensuring the right to quality education, the 2030 Agenda is a universal and collective commitment. Summary Education in Latin America and the Caribbean at a crossroads Regional monitoring report SDG4 - Education 2030 The Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO, as the United Apr 27, 2023 · Where do we stand with the Education 2030 agenda? What does it mean that UNESCO is the lead agent for SDG4 – Education 2030? How does the Global Education Cooperation Mechanism work? What does the High-Level Steering Committee do? What part do youth activists and NGOs play in realizing the targets? There will be an estimated 380 million higher education students by 2030, up from roughly 220 million students were enrolled in formal post-secondary education in 2021 "Future policy agendas for higher education will need to embrace all levels of education and better account for non-traditional educational trajectories and pathways. He was previously responsible for the monitoring section of the report. It calls for all countries to guarantee inclusive, quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all children and youth by 2030. The survey was sent to Ministries of Education officials in the Asia-Pacific region soon after the adoption of the agenda by the UN General Assembly. The Agenda 2030 for Education is International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030; ISBN. The Declaration represents the firm commitment of countries and the global education community to a single, renewed education agenda. Objectifs d’apprentissage comportementaux 1. The first ordinary GEM was held in 2018 in Brussels, Belgium, in preparation for the 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) which reviewed progress on SDG4. Manos Antoninis is the Director of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report since 2017. antoninis@unesco. Educación 2030: Declaración de Incheon y Marco de Acción para la realización del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4: Garantizar une aducación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos May 4, 2007 · Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion a year. Français : Equipe spéciale internationale sur les enseignants pour Education 2030: Plan stratégique 2022-2025. Introduction Throughout the past 4 years there has been a multi-lateral effort to review and improve the education system in the Republic of Albania (Republika e Shqipërisë), henceforth referred to as ‘Albania’. ––––. We reaffirm the vision of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) for Education 2030 articulated in the Incheon Declaration and the commitments adopted in the Qingdao Declaration on leveraging ICT for achieving SDG 4. 1% of students report being injured at school by another student. Global Education Cooperation Mechanism. This roadmap, conceived as an open, living document, aims to respond to the challenges faced by humanity and the planet, with special attention to the global disruption created by the COVID-19. Zambia: education policy review; paving the way for SDG 4-Education 2030. In this session a panel of experts explored the changes needed in countries which have large out-of-school children populations as well as examples from countries which are ‘in the final mile’. The conference will set out a global roadmap for Education until 2030. The “Meet the Education 2030 Data” series explains the global and thematic indicators that will be used to monitor Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Education 2030 targets. The 2030 Agenda gives new impetus to UNESCO’s actions at the global, regional and national levels. The 2024 GEM outcome document, to be adopted by consensus and acclamation, will build on the regional and constituency consultations held between July and September 2024, as well This is particularly true for education systems whose teaching and learning visions, approaches and practices are excessively divided into levels and offers (Opertti, 2011). The future of people and the planet depends on it. SDG 4 aims to. It focuses on the implementation of the proposal for the renewed GCM, its HLSC and the latter’s dedicated Inter- Agency Secretariat. In order to support such efforts, UNESCO launched the new framework Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030) and its roadmap for implementation. ED School leadership. UNESCO will ensure that its programme is focused and resourced to better serve the implementation of the new agenda at global, regional and country level, especially in its role as coordinator and facilitator. ENG Roadmap Download. The 2020 GEM 5-year progress review of SDG 4 – Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific. Policy-makers and educators have entered uncharted territory that raises fundamental questions on how the future of learning will interact with AI. The CCNGO-Education 2030 is the CSO voice of the Global Education Cooperation Mechanism. Director. Executive Summary. With this ground-breaking initiative, we have pooled everything that is currently In line with the Education 2030 Framework for Action, UNESCO convenes periodic Global Education Meetings (GEMs) to review the SDG4-Education 2030 agenda against progress made. L’Organisation a contribué à la mobilisation en faveur de la Déclaration d’Incheon et au Cadre d’action Éducation 2030, qui constitue la feuille Dec 20, 2019 · It also highlights the new framework entitled “Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (ESD for 2030)”, which builds upon the experiences of the Global Action Programme in its five Priority Action Areas of policy, education and training, educators, youth and communities. vh qn qa mb bm ab sj il kp nt