Visualizing palestine 101. html>ro
As of 2017 there were 622,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank [4] and over 23,000 in the Golan. 8 billion per year to Israel. Today, Israel systematically denies Palestinians their right to return, yet the sites of their original homes 1. Teach With VP101 Interested in using VP101 in a classroom setting? We share a few ideas to get you started. Only 10% of Jerusalem’s city budget is directed toward Palestinian neighborhoods, which are home to 37% of the city’s population. Download. After being exiled with his family from South Africa to London in 1960, Oliver Tambo travelled to over 30 countries in 30 years on a “mission in exile. "In the Occupied West Bank, half a million Israelis live in over a hundred settlements built on Palestinian land. 2- 685 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem were demolished between 2004 and 2016, leaving 2,513 people Visualizing Palestine 101. Watch on YouTube. This is one of three posters highlighting the Born Unequal: Understand how two people are treated differently by the Israeli government based solely on their identity. For centuries, Al-Khalil (Hebron) has been considered a holy city, primarily because of the Ibrahimi Mosque/The Tomb of the Patriarchs, which followers of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity consider a sacred site of pilgrimage. Infographic. This is one visual in a five-part series VP created in partnership with Human Rights Watch to communicate their report “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution. However, the concept of a two state solution obscures the reality on the ground: Israel exercises de facto sovereignty over the Palestinian Territories, controlling all [February 2014] After more than six decades of forced displacement, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon find themselves largely excluded from the formal labor market. Watch on. This is one visual in a five-part series VP created in partnership with Human Rights Watch to communicate their report “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid Infographic. The visual highlights Palestine as one of those territories where colonization is still ongoing today. 5-mile camera range and 13-mile radius of ground-sweeping radar. 2 More Palestinians are getting killed | Visualizing Palestine 101. This visual shows how often the United States has used its veto power in the UN Security Council to protect Israel from facing censure or accountability for its violations of international law. ” Today, Israel systematically denies Palestinians their right to return, yet the sites of their original homes remain largely empty. In 1948, the UN General Assembly declared that Palestinian “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date. Understand how environmental justice concepts [June 2012] 'History Repeats Itself’ reflects on the adage’s relevance to human rights abuses. [5 Explore and Learn How to navigate your way through the content of the VP101 site. S. This is the story of one such campaign against Veolia, a French multinational that had a stake in the Jerusalem Light Rail, a project built Divesting for Justice Timeline. This visual highlights that—despite decades of Israeli/Zionist forced displacement —around half of Palestinian population still live in their historic homeland, either under military occupation or as Israeli citizens. “Our church group hosts various Palestine-related events, and has used and appreciated the VP visuals several times in the past. Historically, Zionism was a settler colonial political ideology and movement that emerged in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century with the aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, [1] [2] at a time when over 90% of the population was not Jewish. This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. ”[1] The civilian populations of occupied territories are protected by international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL). Church Divestments. These visuals illustrate five parallels between the state policies of apartheid-era South Africa and those of the present day Israeli regime towards Visualizing Palestine 101. Today, 13 years on, and despite wide condemnation, little has been done by the international community to hold the Israeli government accountable for its ongoing disregard of international law. 5 Israel's history of military expansionism | Visualizing Palestine 101. Like Palestinians of all faiths or no faith, they have lived under Israel’s military occupation for more than half a century, and their lives, communities, and heritage sites have been degraded by Israeli policy. Crime of Apartheid Series: Understand how the crime of apartheid is defined in international law, and how Israeli policy reflects apartheid. 2018 "Incoming members of Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, have both come out in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement — the first House members to ever do so. This chart compares major milestones in the North American campus divestment movement from South African apartheid, with the rapidly growing boycott of Intent to Dominate. This visual highlights a constitutional framework proposed by Palestinian citizens of Israel to bring about an end to Israel’s system of institutionalized discrimination which presently curtails their political, economic and social rights. This system [July 2012] Despite their prominence in the international coverage of Israel/Palestine, detailed accounts of the daily lives of Israeli settlers in the West Bank are relatively limited, obscuring their very different lived reality as compared to Palestinians residing in close geographic proximity. This visual highlights some of Israel’s 60+ discriminatory laws that privilege its Jewish population over its Palestinian citizens and others under its control, culminating in the 2018 Nation-State Law. Visualizing Palestine 101. The BDS call—issued in 2005 and endorsed by a broad cross-section of Palestinian civil society groups—asks individuals and grassroots organizations around the world to adopt boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaigns as a strategy to build pressure on Israel to comply with The glossary offers definitions to help you to make sense of some key terms on the issue of Palestine. visualizingpalestine. The Oslo Accords were series of interim agreements reached between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel starting in 1993, which led to a US-brokered “peace processs” that was purported to lead to Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza. This is one visual in a five-part series VP created in partnership with Human Rights Watch to communicate their report “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Crime of Apartheid Series: Understand how the crime of apartheid is defined in international law, and how Israeli policy reflects apartheid. All of the original content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4. Print and Present How to make use VP101 content offline in the form of prints, slideshows etc. You can support the continued development of this resource by becoming a Visualizing Palestine member. Yet Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem do not receive adequate services. The daily lives of its 215,000 Palestinian A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution. 1 Israel controls the land, air and sea | Visualizing Palestine 101. Infographic The Use of Tear Gas on Protesters. ” 1. This series of four infographics was created in partnership with the ILO and the CEP Israeli authorities control the population registry of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well as that of Israeli citizens. [1] Based on these records, a system of different coloured ID cards dictates where people can live, work and travel, and what other rights they can access. Critics, however, suggest that BDS is anti-Semitic and undermines a two-state solution in the Middle East [] The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan examines — and debunks — some of Across the Wall: Israeli Settlement Bus Routes. So why does 85% of the wall run inside the West Bank, rather than on the border with Israel? And how has it affected Palestinian communities?" Moving the Goalposts - Delaying Palestinian Football Justice. [3] Today, the term Zionism describes a spectrum of political Mauritania. For many years, the Israeli football association has given membership status to six teams that play in illegal settlements built on Palestinian land in the West Bank. Credit: Noura Erakat, Dia' Azzeh, Nour Joudah. [2] In the context of Palestine/Israel, “the occupation” refers to the Israeli regime Return is Possible List. From 2019, US taxpayers will be giving $3. It breaks down common Zionist myths and answers frequently asked questions about Palestine. The First Intifada (1987-91) was defined by widespread Palestinian civil disobedience, including labour strikes, prisoner hunger strikes and refusal to to pay taxes to Israel. In 1948, more than 50% of the entire Palestinian population was ethnically cleansed. See full list on 101. Collective action creates paradigm shifts. The government of Israel says it has a right to build these settlements; the rest of the world disagrees. However, the concept of a two state solution obscures the Infographic. Visualizing Palestine Source for data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences and provoke narrative change. Click the dropdown above the page title to see a full list of terms, or start typing to filter. Prior to 1948, the black areas denote the land purchased by Jewish individuals and organisations, foremost the Jewish National Fund (JNF The infographic ‘Where Law Stands on the Wall’ describes the detail of ICJ's decision. 4 Global complicity in Israel's arms industry | Visualizing Palestine 101. Home > Visuals >. "The infographic 'A Guide to Administrative Detention' takes the perspective of an administrative detainee as they face daily stresses, uncertainties and indignities. Further information and learning resources can be found at gazaincontext. border militarization made up of physical barriers, high-tech security, and armored patrols. Glossary | Visualizing Palestine 101 It highlights that, by contrast, the Zionist colonization of Palestine is rooted in very recent history. 2. Credit: The Intercept. Balfour. In 2009 BDS (boycott, divestment sanctions) is a Palesinian-led movement to hold Israel accountable to international law. ‘Shrinking Palestine’ describes the military, legal and financial tools that have been utilised by the Zionist movement over the past century to acquire land, and maps the gradual and ongoing transformation of historic Palestine into 'Greater Israel’. From the mundane to the momentous, Israel controls Palestinian daily life. 20 Years of Talks: Keeping Palestinians Occupied. This is one visual in a five-part series VP created in partnership with Human Rights Watch to communicate their report A Guide to Administrative Detention. As a result of discriminatory labor laws and biased attitudes, most Palestinians face precarious working conditions and economic hardship. This visual highlights the unequal and unjust distribution of water as an example of how Israel uses its control over the occupied territories to deny Palestinians access to their own natural resources. It highlights that, by contrast, the Zionist colonization of Palestine is In 1948, the UN General Assembly declared that Palestinian “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date. Since 1970, the US has used more vetoes than all other UN Security Council members combined. Data. Language. This visual shows the numerous regional and global powers that have ruled over the Jerusalem city/region and its indigenous population over the past 4,000 years. Credit: Visualizing Palestine. Hebron, the largest Palestinian city in the West Bank, has been under Israeli military lockdown for the past 20 years. 23 years later, some 2,400 Palestinian prisoners began a hunger strike for the exact Heritage Under Threat. Today, Israel continues to occupy land in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. Today, the fragmentation of the Palestinian people both inside and outside of unEQUAL is a series of data visualizations that highlight inequality among Black Americans and Palestinian citizens of Israel as two citizen communities in states founded on ethnic and racial supremacy. Inhumane Acts. ” He met with heads of state, gave numerous influential speeches and radio addresses, coordinated with other ANC organizers, and pushed for grassroots international solidarity by students, academics, unions, churches, and artists. 3. Balfour Declaration League Download. Today, Al-Khalil is an openly segregated city. Together, the statistics tell a story of systemic inequality Palestine Shrinking / Expanding Israel. [1] To outlaw similar regimes, the “crime of apartheid” is defined in Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal The intent of Israel’s policies toward Palestinians is often described in Hebrew as hafrada (“separation”), a word that is strikingly similar in meaning to the Afrikaans word apartheid (“separateness” or literally “apart-hood”). Diplomacy and the media have spread the myth that Palestine is almost a state, as though the only thing missing is recognition of its sovereignty as an independent state alongside Israel. Infographic تحويل جرائم الحرب إلى نبيذ Our new book Visualizing Palestine: Visualizing Palestine 101. Although the Oslo process broke down by 2000, many of its interim measures 2. Credit: AJ+. [2] This ID system, akin to the pass system in apartheid South Africa,[3] creates a hierarchy in which [March 2013] On March 2, 2013, VP launched a billboard campaign throughout Washington DC with the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. Infographic Resistance from An Ongoing Displacement - The Forced Exile of the Palestinians. While The Naksa—meaning “setback” in Arabic—refers to the Israeli invasion and occupation of the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip, Egyptian Sinai peninsula, and Syrian Golan Heights in June 1967. This interactive infographic describes the military, legal and financial tools that have been utilised in the gradual transformation of historic Palestine into 'Greater' Israel, mapping the extent of the territory now defined as Israeli 'state land', on which Palestinians — even those holding Israeli 1- Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem pay taxes to the Israeli authorities. On 14 September 2016, the Obama administration signed an agreement to increase foreign military financing to Israel by 27%. This visual highlights the fact Ongoing Expulsion. This visual highlights some Israeli settlements in the Egyptian Sinai were dismantled in the 1980s and those in the Gaza Strip were dismantled in 2005, but Israel continues to expand its settlements in the West Bank—including East Jerusalem—and Syrian Golan Heights. Despite the fact that Ramallah receives more rainfall than London (one of the world’s most renowned rainy cities), the average West Bank Palestinian can access only one quarter of the water The territories that Israel has militarily occupied since the Naksa (1967 war), namely the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)—the Gaza Strip and West Bank (including East Jerusalem)—and the Syrian Golan Heights. Offline/Online. In commemoration of the Nakba, and the 4. A term used to refer to the whole territory defined by the British Mandate of Palestine, comprising of present day Israel and the occupied Palestinian Gaza Strip and West Bank, but not including the Syrian Golan Heights. 2013 "[This visual] describes the ways in which the Palestinian water supply in the West Bank is appropriated by the Israeli government before it reaches Palestinian homes. " Credit: Visualizing Palestine. [2] Sources A. This visual highlights the fact that in spite of Israel being one of the countries most regularly condemned by the UN Security Council for violations of international law, it has never faced formal sanctions. We visualized this aspect of life under Israeli military occupation with Premiere Urgence Internationale, who has been monitoring incidents of Israeli settler violence for a decade. This visual shows some of the territories subjected to settler colonial projects through history, particularly in the Americas, southern Africa and the Pacific region. 4 Israeli law institutionalizes discrimination | Visualizing Palestine 101. It is also referred to as the “Six Days War”. This series depicts the intersection between the Palestinian human rights movement and the environmental and climate justice movements. Sometimes referred to as the “pre-1967 borders” or the “Green Line”. 3 Some people are more equal than others | Visualizing Palestine 101. Over half of US vetoes were used to protect Israel from accountability for human rights violations. [December 2013] Twenty years ago, the PLO Central Council approved the Oslo Accord with the Israeli government. ‘Across the Wall’ shows the integration of settlements into Israel ‘proper’ through the 2. In total over 300,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced during the invasion—including over 100,000 who were already refugees from the Nakba A data-led visual resource and educational hub designed for people learning and teaching about Palestine According to Article 42 of Hague Convention (IV) “[t]erritory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. In Southern Arizona, since 2014, Israeli weapons giant Elbit Systems has installed a network of 53 surveillance towers up to 160 feet tall, employing a 7. ”. 2013 "The infographic 'A Guide to Administrative Detention' takes the 1947 UN Partition Plan. A term used to refer to the whole territory defined by the British Mandate of Palestine, comprising of 4. "Israel says it built the separation wall for security reasons to keep Palestinians from the occupied West Bank out of Israel. Visual. org Credit: Visualizing Palestine. Learn more. Infographic Veolia: Light Rail, Heavy Losses. N. It breaks down many issues that Israeli Settlements Explained. You are free to share, remix, print and present any of the content of this site so long as you credit Visualizing Palestine and do not make changes to the content itself. Human Rights Council finally published a long-delayed list of 112 companies with business activities in illegal Israeli settlements. [1] The Second Intifada (2000-05 3. Historic Palestine. Turning War Crimes into Wine. This unilateral move breaks with a global consensus and past US positions, and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law. 2013. [February 2013] Marking the first appearance of a Palestinian film at the Oscars, the infographic ‘5 Broken Cameras: Growing up with the Bil’in Resistance’ charts the story of the first five years of one village’s resistance against the Israeli wall. View. This visual highlights the asymmetry of power in Palestine/Israel by showing the disparity in the number of Palestinians killed versus Israelis killed, and how this disparity is growing over time. Credit: Jewish Voice for Peace. Palestinian Christians are members of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world. 7 Where Palestinians live today. Yet the US already gives more military aid to Israel than all other countries combined. It shows that this colonization has been a continuous process that accelerated with the establishment of Israel, and with the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and Syrian Golan Heights. Shuhada Street: How Israel Turned Hebron into a Ghost Town. . The PA operates in coordination with Israel, where Israel maintains control over all The ceasefire lines established between the new state of Israel and its Arab neighbors—Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt—after the Nakba. [May 2013] 15 May, 2013, marked the 65th anniversary of the Nakba – when 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from the territory that became Israel. This visual highlights the apartheid -style hierarchy of rights granted to different population groups under Israeli control, including discrimination in relation to freedom of movement, voting, and access to services. This is in direct violation of FIFA’s rules, which state that permission is needed to play matches on another A 1917 letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressing the British government’s support for the Zionist movement and “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”. Highlighting examples of the injustice and discrimination perpetrated against Palestinians on a day-to-day basis. Explainer video on Gaza and Israeli settler colonialism. 2014. On May 15, 2024, we will commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Nakba amid another catastrophe. The occupied status of these territories is recognized by the International Court of Justice,[1] the UN Security Council,[2] and even Israel’s own Supreme Court. 77% of former Palestinian towns and villages in Israel The One State Reality. CONTRIBUTE. Shuhada Street, once the beating heart of Hebron’s economy, is now closed to Palestinians. Born Unequal: Understand how two people are treated differently by the Israeli government based solely on their identity. 0 license. The language on the map also Palestine, Today Interactive View the stories of 1,196 localities before and after the Nakba of 1947–49, when over 500 Palestinian towns and villages were depopulated and over 750,000 people displaced during the creation of the State of Israel. Our congregation recently originated an overture that led the Presbyterian (USA) denomination to declare Israel guilty of the crime of apartheid at its July 2022 General Assembly. Systems of colonialism & militarism destroy both human rights + the environment. 2 How the US veto enables Israeli impunity. 4. These instruments of human control expand a layered system of U. Israeli Palestinian conflict explained: an animated introduction to Israel and Palestine. Israeli-Palestinian talks were slated to conclude within 5 years, yet two decades on Israel's occupation continues, and the situation on the ground has only moved backwards for The History of Zionism. English عربي Euskara Français Suomi Italiano. 1917. The visual highlights the extent of Israel’s overarching regime of control over the land, airspace, natural resources and economy across all of historic Palestine, in spite of the token Palestinian self-governance in the West Bank and Gaza. This visual highlights Israel’s occupations of Palestinian, Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese lands during its short history, amounting to all of its neighbours other than Jordan. Nine Israeli banks are on the U. This visual highlights the The term Intifada—derived from the verb nafada (“to shake off”) in Arabic—refers to two Palestinian popular uprisings against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Each parallel statistic on education, incarceration, and poverty exhibits the shared burden of institutionalized discrimination. Share Online How to make use of VP101 content through social media, blogs etc. com. This is one visual in a four-part series Visualizing Palestine created in partnership with Human Rights Watch to communicate the report “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution. This visual highlights the asymmetry of power Created under the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority (PA)—or Palestinian National Authority—is responsible for administering Palestinian enclaves in the West Bank. Audiovisuals A selection of accessible and engaging explainer content from around the web. The ceasefires left Israel controlling 78% of historic Palestine, in contrast to the 6% of land owned by Jewish organizations and individuals at the time. [3] Sources ICJ Audiovisuals. Find out why Israelis choose to live on occupied land, how they affect Structural Inequality. Animated introduction to understanding Israel and Palestine. Tools Resources Decolonize Palestine A teaching resource that offers critical information on Palestine for adults and children. This visual explains how these banks are complicit in violations of international law and Palestinian human rights, and how pension funds and other investors support these abuses when they choose Israel's Wall: Security or Apartheid? Credit: AJ+. Prior to the Nakba and the foundation of the State of Israel, the UN proposed a plan—in General Assembly Resolution 181—to divide British-ruled Palestine into separate “Arab” and “Jewish” states with an internationally administered “corpus separatum” covering the region around Jerusalem. ” In February 2020, the U. This visual maps the Zionist and Jewish-Israeli localities founded across historic Palestine from 1878 until today. This visual shows some of the territories subjected to Israel & Palestine: A Short Introduction. 2015. In its short history, the state of Israel has not only occupied Palestinian land, but also the sovereign territory of 3 of its 4 neighboring countries. This visual highlights the countries around the world that contribute to Israel’s arms industry by buying weapons “field tested” on Palestinians. Apartheid—an Afrikaans word meaning “separateness” (or literally “apart-hood”)—was the name given to the system of racial segregation and discrimination against indigenous African and other non-white populations in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. 8 million Palestinian inhabitants. The majority of the other half is displaced in neighbouring Arab countries. Bil’in is one of nine Palestinian villages engaged in regular Rising Israeli Settler Violence in the Occupied West Bank. [May 2014] May 15th, 2014, was the 66th anniversary of the Nakba ("catastrophe"), referring to the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland during events leading up to the creation of the State of Israel. Since 2007, Israeli authorities have imposed a devastating land, air and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip, amounting to the illegal collective punishment of its 1. Boycotts and divestments have long been recognized as a legitimate and effective means to protest against injustice. The geographic limits of the PA’s authority in the West Bank is defined by so-called Areas A, B and C, also defined during the Oslo era. Help us translate this visual. Reach out to us! IN DEVELOPMENT This section will offer a Q&A-style resource to help you navigate through some of the more complex and contentious topics relating to Palestine. Attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are rising at a staggering rate. As the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) met for its annual Congressional lobby, the campaign called for an end to the $30billion in US military aid promised to Israel over the coming decade. Veolia: Light Rail, Heavy Losses. 2017 "Diplomacy and the media have spread the myth that Palestine is almost a state, as though the only thing missing is recognition of its sovereignty as an independent state alongside Israel. Donald Trump announced that the US would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and pledged to move the US embassy there. Today Israel continues to control Syria’s Golan Heights Identity Crisis: The Israeli ID System. This series of four infographics was created in partnership with the ILO and the CEP Definitions to help you to make sense of some key terms on the issue of Palestine. English عربي Deutsch. English. Learn from Palestinians’ experiences living under Israeli apartheid in a part of the world warming faster than the global average. This visual maps the Zionist [July 2012] ‘Greater Israel Bus Connections’ is the sister version of ‘Across the Wall’. [1] In 1922, the goals of the Balfour Declaration into the League of Nations text of the British Mandate for Palestine. ” [February 2014] After more than six decades of forced displacement, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon find themselves largely excluded from the formal labor market. Since 1948, Palestinians have suffered a profound and enduring trauma, as families were forcibly uprooted from their ancestral lands by Zionist militias, villages were destroyed, and communities were torn apart to create the US Military Aid to Israel. 1 Some countries never face sanctions | Visualizing Palestine 101. This visual Each member of the UN Security Council has the power to veto resolutions intended to uphold international law. This series of four infographics was created in partnership with the ILO and the CEP Several major corporations, such as Veolia, Orange, G4S, and CRH, have fully or partially ended their operations in Israel following high profile campaigns of collective action highlighting how these companies contribute to Israel’s human rights abuses. A data-led visual resource and educational hub designed for people learning and teaching about Palestine. [1] Gaza in Context. Special Project. 2012. list. The white separation barrier nearly disappears against a soft grey background and there is no visual distinction of the West Bank from Israel. In 1989 apartheid South Africa, over 700 black prisoners went on hunger strike to protest the practice of administrative detention, in which detainees are held without charge or trial for months or even years. Unlike the explicitly critical ‘Across the Wall’, it takes a dry angle, representing the perspective of the Israeli state. 5 Israel exploits Palestinian natural resources | Visualizing Palestine 101. [1] The lines are History of Occupation. A selection of accessible and engaging explainer content from around the web. It leaves them isolated from the outside world, denied access to their own resources and facing a 45% unemployment rate. This visual highlights the countries around the world that contribute to Israel’s [February 2014] After more than six decades of forced displacement, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon find themselves largely excluded from the formal labor market. wa eq dg xc lj ro sd bw du wk